As someone who prefers the element of life, light's new stream of lifegain spells infuriates me.
I always believed that life was to be the element of healing, and light was about preventing damage. That's why it has three shields. However, when I see cards like miracle, luciferin, and now sanctuary, I wonder if life is even about life at all.
When I play light, my ability to heal is ridiculous. I have holy light as potential CC and healing, I have luciferin to buff my creatures and heal, I have miracle to instantly jump back to 99 health, and I have sanctuary to heal me for four per turn and protect the quanta I need to have that much healing.
When I play life, I either get 20 healing per spell, and hope I draw them/can play them, or I have to play empathic bond, protect it, and play creatures and protect them. Believe me, it takes a lot longer to get four healing per bond than it does to get four healing per sanctuary.
I'm not saying things like purify, black hole, and vampire aren't fair. On the contrary, the more healing elements the better. But life has become the element of spamming cheap creatures, and that doesn't represent how life should be.