After countless times helping newcomers search for decks with certain cards, I decided to make a little tutorial.
How to Search for Decks
This tutorial will show you how to:
- See if there are decks which contain certain cards you are looking for
- See if there is already a deck very similar to another one you are willing to post in the forums. Remember that
having duplicated threads in the decks section is bad, and Santa won't give you a present this year if you do so. it is better to comment in an already existing thread, even if it's old, than making a new one with only 1 or 2 cards changed.
1. Build a "deck" only with the
Core cards you are looking for. The amount of Core cards to search should be less than 5 to make a not-too-specific search.
2. Click in the
Import/Export button, which is right at the left of your deck. You will notice a code appears. Select that code and copy it.
Note: Each 3-digit code represents a card of your deck, with the last one being the code of your mark. Ignore the mark code, just copy the codes of the cards before the last one.
If you don't want to open the game /or the trainer) to look for the card codes, you can look for them here:
Card Code List (1.31)3. Go to the section of the forum you think you will find decks with your cards.
4. Paste the card codes you copied before in the Search bar and press the 'Search' button.
5. Look at the threads of that section that contains the words you searched for. In this case the 'words' are card codes, which ALWAYS appear under the decks which have them.
6. Go back to step 3, but now with the sections of decks with more elements than where you searched before! This will make you find decks with your core cards and probably more synergies used. In my example, a new player looking for Immolation and Photon would have found this deck as 2nd link in the Duo decks section:
where it would have found this deck in the rainbows section, which works way better:
7. A note about commenting: If you made a deck and found a similar one already posted (that happens a lot!), you can post your version as a comment in the thread you found. If your version is definitely worse than the one you found, don't post it! It may confuse new players that see your version and think it is better than the one in the main post.