This is a thread dedicated to the tiny little details in card arts which make you go "How the hell did I not notice that before?" and then feel stupid for a bit. I don't know if this has been done before but this is just a collection of them. If there's one you want to share, post it and I'll update. If not, just enjoy kicking yourself.
            | All Alchemy Cards contain the mark of their respective element. Some are harder to spot than others. |
 | You probably spotted the small mark in the center, but did you notice the big one in the background? |
   | Lightning and Virus both have a spark hidden in their artwork, Lightning at the point of the strike and Virus in the background. |
  | Dimensional Shield has a lightning hidden in its artwork, in the background. |
  | The artwork for Freeze is a frozen Abomination. Thanks, CuCN. |
   | Right at the tip of the Ice Bolt, there's a secret hidden Photon. Seriously, CuCN has the eyes of an eagle (no reference intended). Also, Eternity has some (2 or 3) photons hidden away in it. Bripod also shares in this super vision. |
  | These two light shields are in fact the same shield, merely a different fill. Thanks, CuCN. |
  | There's an Ash Eater hiding, literally, behind the cloak. Thanks, CuCN. |
  | Anubis is holding a golden Trident. What good is a Trident in the desert? Thanks, CuCN. |
  | The flying weapon on the card Flying Weapon is a flying Short Sword. Thanks, CuCN. |
  | There's a Dagger being enchanted in the Enchant Artifact art. Thanks, CuCN. |
  | Back in the day, the old tower arts used to have 3 lines around them, the same lines feature on an upgraded Fate Egg. Thanks, Submachine. |
 | You see that weird wisp of death energy underneath the death mark, it's a skeletal hand. This is the one that inspired me to make this topic. |
 | The pins sticking into the Voodoo Doll have a darkness mark on their heads. |
 | What creature shall we launch into the enemy on the Catapult card art? I know, a Cockatrice! Also, Gravity Pillar at the other end of the beam. |
  | Banana for scale? More like a person, tiny one for the chimera in a bottom right and 3 really tiny ones for the foil chimera, just above the stats box. |
 | There's a light mark hidden at the center of the Sanctuary. Thanks, CuCN. |
 | Those random chain-type thingies end in... arena stat bar end arrow-type thingies.. what? And also a mark of time thrown in for fun. Thanks, CuCN. |
 | There's a mark of fire right at the center of the Ash artwork. Thanks,dragtom |
  | Both Steal and Dusk Mantle have the same swirly dark clouds in the background |
 | The Darkness card background has an eye at the top, between the card name and the quanta cost. It is seriously creepy and simply cannot be unseen. Thanks, ElementalDearWatson. |
   | These three card arts have some death marks in them. Grey Nymph is a tattoo on the shoulder, Poison is overlayed the poison vessel and Soul Catcher has two hanging off the top. Thanks, Bripod |
  | The same wing features on the arts for Blessing and Flying Weapon. |