
Evil Hamster

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Build a new and a better forum where 100% ad revenue goes directly to Zanz? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1262.msg12064#msg12064
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

I can change the theme. There's a selection of "default" themes and a custom page as well. Doesn't look too hard!

I'm not entirely sure what the difference between styles and themes is- they both seem to do the same thing.
Yes, I know. All forums have that feature. You can download different styles and upload them on your server.

But this customizing I'm talking about is modifying the css-code and images so that you get your own custom version of those styles or themes. We have to do it like that because there are no "Elements" styles available. It's not super difficult but you do need some web design and/or graphic design experience.
If somebody designs a theme, I can put in the css code and custom images. It's all there!

Offline jmizzle7

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Build a new and a better forum where 100% ad revenue goes directly to Zanz? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1262.msg12065#msg12065
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

As the forum you have suggested would be directly tied to Elements the game, I think we should probably model it along the lines of what they have done with Duels: Warstorm (http://forums.warstorm.com/).

As you can see, there is a link directly to the game's main screen where you can access battles and whatnot. There is a direct link to the forums from the main screen as well, so you can freely jump between them. If we set it up like that, the forum would undoubtedly have more traffic, which of course means more ads and revenue for the game. It's also wonderfully themed after the game. :D

Whatcha think?


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Build a new and a better forum where 100% ad revenue goes directly to Zanz? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1262.msg12066#msg12066
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

To make this transition easier, we could build the new forum using Simple Machines like we are using now. Here's a good and clean template we could customize: http://www.licuadoscorazones.com.ar/foro/index.php.

Just change the colors and give it an Elements theme and it would be pretty good I think. Although there might be even better styles out there, I don't know.

Some people like phpBB, some people like Simple Machines, but they are both good. Vbulletin is the best imo but it costs money so that's out of the question.

A script like this can do the job in less than 2 minutes:
... and only requires an install on the phpBB side.
An access to the SMF database is also needed.
Wow, that's pretty cool. Hopefully it works.


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Build a new and a better forum where 100% ad revenue goes directly to Zanz? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1262.msg12067#msg12067
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

Quite an undertaking. If something like this is started, I hope it's seen through to completion instead of abandoned part-way.
I can produce a carbon-copy of this forum (theme, structure) in less than 2 hours. After that, the biggest task will be moving all these threads, but if that script Chriskang talked about actually works, then that's not a problem. Duplicating threads shouldn't take more than a week. Tweeking the forum layout and adding mods (like integrated chat) would probably take a couple of weeks. I would say this project would be finished in about 3 weeks, maybe even sooner.

Of course to complete any forum move, the link would have to be changed on the http://www.elementsthegame.com/ (http://www.elementsthegame.com/) page or we wouldn't have a community. I assume Zanzarino is the only one that has control of that page?
Yes, that's why we need his blessing.

More importantly though is how it affects those who are casual members in this community. Some might not bother creating a new account on a new forums for Elements, while the core people here would most likely start new accounts somewhere else if necessary. Especially since EH mentioning that running a script with access to the DB for the forum is impossible. We'd lose a good chunk of the important threads that include advice, strategy, guides, etc.
We don't "lose" any threads because we can copy-paste and start new ones. Sure we might lose some discussion but who cares, nobody reads those old, mostly outdated comments how mono-aether pwns everything.

But I'd also question the motives for creating a new forum. There's nothing to prove that shoveling more funds over to Zanzarino equates to "more love" or faster/better updates for Elements. That seems like an awfully huge amount of work just for that purpose since there's no guarantee that a new forum with ad dollars would produce faster/better updates to Elements. In this economy, web site ads are not nearly as lucrative as they were years ago.
Nobody is saying that Zanz will become a millionaire, but he could easily make $100-200 in a year, and much more than that if this game becomes huge. That's better than the current situation where he gets paid absolutely nothing. Would you continue to develop a game without a pay with all these hackers and whiners?

Money is a big motivator and it's safe to assume that the amount of time Zanz spends on Elements is directly related to the amount of revenue he gets. And even if it didn't effect the development of Elements at all, he still deserves that money, and we deserve a better forum.

Yes, changing a forum is a pain in the ass but the longer we wait, the more difficult it is. Now would be a perfect time considering there is an update coming. We could have a big "relaunch" as old players come back to see the update.

As for having to make new accounts.. I say boo-f***ing-hoo. Look at my post account. I'm gladly willing to start a new account if it means more money to Zanz and a better forum for me.


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Build a new and a better forum where 100% ad revenue goes directly to Zanz? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1262.msg12068#msg12068
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

What do you mean by "better forum"?
This forum is SMF 1.1 if I'm not mistaken. SMF 2.0 RC2 just came out so it's just a matter of time when 2.0 launches. I was at first thinking about phpBB but I think SMF would be a better choice for us because:

1. Like I said, the new version is just coming out and it's looking pretty damn good
2. Transition will be easier for admin and mods because interface is similar

It's not a personal argument for me, as I could care less either way for me and my account. It's an argument for casual visitors who make not feel inclined to start a new account when a forum is recreated. It wouldn't be a huge loss to us since they probably won't contribute much, but it is a loss to the extended community in terms or presence and support of Elements.
Right now this forum community has about 15 active veteran members. During this time that I've been here, I seen 95% of the community to change. This is because people get bored really fast.

Even if this whole forum was suddenly deleted today, we would probably have about the same amount of members after a couple of weeks. Free online games like this one are 90% kiddies, and they don't have the attention span to stay with these games longer than a month.

What you said is a problem, but not a big one. If a person is too laze to make another account, he probably wouldn't have stayed long anyways, so good riddance.

New forum gives us tons of new cool possibilities because of all those mods, not to mention Zanz gets some money for his work.

EDIT: I just installed the RC2. It took about 15 minutes and the forum is looking amazingly good for a free forum. This is definitely the way to go. Hopefully the 2.0 comes out soon, so I can do something I can show Zanz when I propose this forum update project.


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Build a new and a better forum where 100% ad revenue goes directly to Zanz? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1262.msg12069#msg12069
« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

That's a very clean and elegant forum. It's a bit light on personalization for accounts though.
I don't know.. it looks too stacked (?) to my taste plus that gray text on yellow background is horrible choice.

But everything else about it is perfect.


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Build a new and a better forum where 100% ad revenue goes directly to Zanz? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1262.msg12070#msg12070
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

If you can get Zanz in on this, I'm all for it. Preferably he should be in on the hosting as well, as that might be an issue otherwise.
Suppose whoever is hosting the new forum gets themselves banned, or lose interest, would they still keep hosting it?
I'm pretty sure that if Zanz says ok to this he will let us use his server space and we can put the forum under www.elementsthegame/forum. That would be most definitely be the best option.


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Build a new and a better forum where 100% ad revenue goes directly to Zanz? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1262.msg12071#msg12071
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

I can change the theme. There's a selection of "default" themes and a custom page as well. Doesn't look too hard!

I'm not entirely sure what the difference between styles and themes is- they both seem to do the same thing.
Yes, I know. All forums have that feature. You can download different styles and upload them on your server.

But this customizing I'm talking about is modifying the css-code and images so that you get your own custom version of those styles or themes. We have to do it like that because there are no "Elements" styles available. It's not super difficult but you do need some web design and/or graphic design experience.


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Build a new and a better forum where 100% ad revenue goes directly to Zanz? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1262.msg12072#msg12072
« Reply #32 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

I can change the theme. There's a selection of "default" themes and a custom page as well. Doesn't look too hard!

I'm not entirely sure what the difference between styles and themes is- they both seem to do the same thing.
Yes, I know. All forums have that feature. You can download different styles and upload them on your server.

But this customizing I'm talking about is modifying the css-code and images so that you get your own custom version of those styles or themes. We have to do it like that because there are no "Elements" styles available. It's not super difficult but you do need some web design and/or graphic design experience.
If somebody designs a theme, I can put in the css code and custom images. It's all there!
Yeah but the point is that we start a new forum. This one is version 1.1 and doesn't have ads that help Zanz make money.


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Build a new and a better forum where 100% ad revenue goes directly to Zanz? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1262.msg12073#msg12073
« Reply #33 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

As the forum you have suggested would be directly tied to Elements the game, I think we should probably model it along the lines of what they have done with Duels: Warstorm (http://forums.warstorm.com/).

As you can see, there is a link directly to the game's main screen where you can access battles and whatnot. There is a direct link to the forums from the main screen as well, so you can freely jump between them. If we set it up like that, the forum would undoubtedly have more traffic, which of course means more ads and revenue for the game. It's also wonderfully themed after the game. :D

Whatcha think?
Yes, ultimate goal is to integrate everything as smoothly as possible. I don't know yet what's the best way to do that but we'll see what happens.

Problem with the game itself is that it's flash so you cannot leave that page and come back because it will reset. Also it takes up a lot of screen space so I'm not sure how you can integrate the game and forums.

But integrating the game and chat module should be easy. And that's a good thing because chat doesn't take that much space and it would be cool to have chat next to the game as you play. You could type while you wait for the opponent to make his/her move.

Maybe we could create a "design the new forum home" contest?
Users would draw their ideas in photoshop then present an image of the result and we would vote for the one we prefer?
Creating a theme/template for the new forum out of that image shouldn't be too hard.
That's a good idea but might be too difficult. I don't think many people here have much experience with web and graphic design, and they would just go crazy with pictures of pink elephants jumping up and down.

I suggest we first find about 10 different simple, elegant, and easy to read forum styles, and take a vote. Once we have the style, then we can have this Photoshop competition where we have the front page of that style where people can add stuff with Photoshop, modifying it to have that Elements look.

Build a new and a better forum where 100% ad revenue goes directly to Zanz? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1262.msg12074#msg12074
« Reply #34 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

Meanwhile if somebody wants to develop a "Elements" style theme I can put it on this forum- and that theme port over to the new forum also. Just because we're waiting on approval doesn't mean we can't improve this site in the meantime.
I'm still unsure if I want a light text on a black background (like the game) or black text (like now).
What do you guys think?
I think that having the same color scheme as the game and its site would be good. It'd have the same feel as the game, and would probably look more like the "official" forum of Elements.

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Build a new and a better forum where 100% ad revenue goes directly to Zanz? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1262.msg12277#msg12277
« Reply #35 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:33 pm »

reference removed

Seriously, when are we going to do something about this guy?

user has been warned -EH

