Why would we forget the word "Untargetable"? It's right there. On the card. It has a specific meaning that everyone understands.
Because English is not Zanz's native language and some things are not expressed clearly. Just forget the word "Untargetable" and focus on the card itself and how it functions.
- It's called immaterial
- It cannot be targeted
- It doesn't take damage from spells
- It doesn't take damage from Fire Shield
- It doesn't take damage from
IMPOSSIBLE to kill with anything that is found in Elements the Game
Now do you honestly think that Zanz only meant the card to be "Untargetable" but it became impossible to kill by mistake?
Immaterial creatures are working as Zanzarino intended and I agree with him 100%. Having these unkillable creatures is good for this game because they are a good counter to crowd control-decks.
So stop crying that we need to have a way to kill immaterial creatures.