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Offline Dopha

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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=21501.msg1077858#msg1077858
« Reply #1764 on: June 06, 2013, 03:25:50 pm »
I heard some time ago that you lose electrum/score for farming bronze. Is dat true?

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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=21501.msg1077861#msg1077861
« Reply #1765 on: June 06, 2013, 03:33:28 pm »
I heard some time ago that you lose electrum/score for farming bronze. Is dat true?
Electrum no. If your score is high enough though, itll go down a little even if you win.
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Offline Dopha

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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=21501.msg1077862#msg1077862
« Reply #1766 on: June 06, 2013, 03:37:28 pm »
I heard some time ago that you lose electrum/score for farming bronze. Is dat true?
Electrum no. If your score is high enough though, itll go down a little even if you win.

What do you consider a high score? I'm around 200k. D:

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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=21501.msg1077863#msg1077863
« Reply #1767 on: June 06, 2013, 03:48:50 pm »
I heard some time ago that you lose electrum/score for farming bronze. Is dat true?
Electrum no. If your score is high enough though, itll go down a little even if you win.

Your score has no effect on what you get out of bronze. PvP1/PvP2 are the only environments where the stats of your account have any impact whatsoever on your rewards. Assuming a sufficiently high win rate, you do not lose either score or electrum from rewards bronze. Due to the fact that rewards from winning in bronze are lower than the cost for losing in bronze, you have to have a win rate of around 60-65% in order to break even or pull ahead overall.

There was a rumor for a long time that you would lose electrum/score by winning in bronze. This stemmed (as far as I can tell) from two things:

One is the mistaken assumption that you paid the lose price for a match even if you win, which would result in paying more to start the game than you'd receive from winning it. This is not and has never been the case.

The second thing is that there used to be a bug which resulted in arena paying 5 less electrum than it was supposed to. I don't recall the exact causes for this bug, but it was fixed. Even when the bug was in effect, in order to have a net loss of electrum, you would have to win every game at approximately 1 hp (and bronze would have to be swinging low on its rewards), and the net loss of electrum would be tiny (approximately 30 electrum per hour or something IIRC). However, as I mentioned, this has been fixed (and has been fixed for quite a while IIRC).

TL;DR: You absolutely do not lose either electrum or score by winning in bronze. Bronze is net profitable in score and electrum (just from plain rewards, completely disregarding spins) at around 60-65% win rate.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 03:50:50 pm by ColorlessGreen »

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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=21501.msg1077865#msg1077865
« Reply #1768 on: June 06, 2013, 03:57:55 pm »
Thanks, CG. ^^

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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=21501.msg1077876#msg1077876
« Reply #1769 on: June 06, 2013, 04:47:45 pm »
I heard some time ago that you lose electrum/score for farming bronze. Is dat true?
Electrum no. If your score is high enough though, itll go down a little even if you win.

Your score has no effect on what you get out of bronze. PvP1/PvP2 are the only environments where the stats of your account have any impact whatsoever on your rewards. Assuming a sufficiently high win rate, you do not lose either score or electrum from rewards bronze. Due to the fact that rewards from winning in bronze are lower than the cost for losing in bronze, you have to have a win rate of around 60-65% in order to break even or pull ahead overall.

There was a rumor for a long time that you would lose electrum/score by winning in bronze. This stemmed (as far as I can tell) from two things:

One is the mistaken assumption that you paid the lose price for a match even if you win, which would result in paying more to start the game than you'd receive from winning it. This is not and has never been the case.

The second thing is that there used to be a bug which resulted in arena paying 5 less electrum than it was supposed to. I don't recall the exact causes for this bug, but it was fixed. Even when the bug was in effect, in order to have a net loss of electrum, you would have to win every game at approximately 1 hp (and bronze would have to be swinging low on its rewards), and the net loss of electrum would be tiny (approximately 30 electrum per hour or something IIRC). However, as I mentioned, this has been fixed (and has been fixed for quite a while IIRC).

TL;DR: You absolutely do not lose either electrum or score by winning in bronze. Bronze is net profitable in score and electrum (just from plain rewards, completely disregarding spins) at around 60-65% win rate.

Hmm seems you might be right, i havent grinded (ground?) bronze in a while, but i definitely remember my score going down by 2-3 even if i won... seems to no longer be the case though.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=21501.msg1077881#msg1077881
« Reply #1770 on: June 06, 2013, 05:10:56 pm »
Spoiler for Hidden:
I heard some time ago that you lose electrum/score for farming bronze. Is dat true?
Electrum no. If your score is high enough though, itll go down a little even if you win.

Your score has no effect on what you get out of bronze. PvP1/PvP2 are the only environments where the stats of your account have any impact whatsoever on your rewards. Assuming a sufficiently high win rate, you do not lose either score or electrum from rewards bronze. Due to the fact that rewards from winning in bronze are lower than the cost for losing in bronze, you have to have a win rate of around 60-65% in order to break even or pull ahead overall.

There was a rumor for a long time that you would lose electrum/score by winning in bronze. This stemmed (as far as I can tell) from two things:

One is the mistaken assumption that you paid the lose price for a match even if you win, which would result in paying more to start the game than you'd receive from winning it. This is not and has never been the case.

The second thing is that there used to be a bug which resulted in arena paying 5 less electrum than it was supposed to. I don't recall the exact causes for this bug, but it was fixed. Even when the bug was in effect, in order to have a net loss of electrum, you would have to win every game at approximately 1 hp (and bronze would have to be swinging low on its rewards), and the net loss of electrum would be tiny (approximately 30 electrum per hour or something IIRC). However, as I mentioned, this has been fixed (and has been fixed for quite a while IIRC).

TL;DR: You absolutely do not lose either electrum or score by winning in bronze. Bronze is net profitable in score and electrum (just from plain rewards, completely disregarding spins) at around 60-65% win rate.

Hmm seems you might be right, i havent grinded (ground?) bronze in a while, but i definitely remember my score going down by 2-3 even if i won... seems to no longer be the case though.

Assuming that the lose-five-electrum bug I mentioned before applied also to score (which I don't actually know if it did or not, but it stands to reason), there are situations where you would have lost score from a win, but those were rather exceptional situations. It required that bronze be over-farmed to the point that the base reward was low enough that a win resulted in a displayed gain of 4 or less electrum, i.e. a situation where the stated reward was 8 electrum and you finished the game at 1 HP. A displayed gain of 4 electrum (due to the bug) resulted in an actual gain of -1 electrum.

Even at the worst of times, while it was possible to have a net loss from a single win, most reasonable farming decks wouldn't end every game at 1 hp, so it was quite hard to actually have an overall net loss from winning, but it's possible. There were also very brief times (basically within a few days after new shards were released) where bronze was over-farmed to the point of having a stated reward of 5 or less on its own, which (due to the bug) would have resulted in net electrum losses from winning, but these were also extremely unusual circumstances, and the reward self-corrected quite quickly any time it fell that low.

Again, though, that bug was fixed, and it is no longer possible at all to lose electrum or score from winning, even if bronze fell to a stated reward of 1 electrum.

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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=21501.msg1077966#msg1077966
« Reply #1771 on: June 07, 2013, 12:27:36 am »
The second thing is that there used to be a bug which resulted in arena paying 5 less electrum than it was supposed to. I don't recall the exact causes for this bug, but it was fixed.
What happened was the introduction of the Thumbs Up system. As an incentive for people to rate decks, Zanz increased the cost of arena from 15 :electrum to 20 :electrum, and then refunded 5 :electrum on rating a deck. This results in the same electrum loss for losing a match normally, but players who skipped back to the main screen without rating would miss out on that 5 :electrum.
The problem was that you don't get to rate a deck that you beat, and Zanz initially forgot to increase the refund when winning. So you would pay 20 :electrum to face an arena deck, and winning would get you 15 :electrum back plus the normal rewards. Since the reward for beating bronze decks is so low, and is lowered further for a low health win, players could win a bronze match and find that their electrum total was lower than when they entered.
This has, as as you said, been fixed. Winning an arena match now gives you 20 :electrum back plus a reward for winning, so you should always end up at least 1 :electrum richer.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 12:30:10 am by Tirear »

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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=21501.msg1077967#msg1077967
« Reply #1772 on: June 07, 2013, 12:35:09 am »
The second thing is that there used to be a bug which resulted in arena paying 5 less electrum than it was supposed to. I don't recall the exact causes for this bug, but it was fixed.
What happened was the introduction of the Thumbs Up system. As an incentive for people to rate decks, Zanz increased the cost of arena from 15 :electrum to 20 :electrum, and then refunded 5 :electrum on rating a deck. This results in the same electrum loss for losing a match normally, but players who skipped back to the main screen without rating would miss out on that 5 :electrum.
The problem was that you don't get to rate a deck that you beat, and Zanz initially forgot to increase the refund when winning. So you would pay 20 :electrum to face an arena deck, and winning would get you 15 :electrum back plus the normal rewards. Since the reward for beating bronze decks is so low, and is lowered further for a low health win, players could win a bronze match and find that their electrum total was lower than when they entered.
This has, as as you said, been fixed. Winning an arena match now gives you 20 :electrum back plus a reward for winning, so you should always end up at least 1 :electrum richer.

Many thanks for the clarification. I had remembered that it was involved with the introduction of the thumbs up/down, but I couldn't remember off the top of my head exactly how it worked. That was quite helpful and good to know.

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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=21501.msg1077990#msg1077990
« Reply #1773 on: June 07, 2013, 03:19:15 am »
So much for "simple" answers.  ;)
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=21501.msg1077992#msg1077992
« Reply #1774 on: June 07, 2013, 03:46:36 am »
Spoiler for Hidden:
I heard some time ago that you lose electrum/score for farming bronze. Is dat true?
Electrum no. If your score is high enough though, itll go down a little even if you win.

Your score has no effect on what you get out of bronze. PvP1/PvP2 are the only environments where the stats of your account have any impact whatsoever on your rewards. Assuming a sufficiently high win rate, you do not lose either score or electrum from rewards bronze. Due to the fact that rewards from winning in bronze are lower than the cost for losing in bronze, you have to have a win rate of around 60-65% in order to break even or pull ahead overall.

There was a rumor for a long time that you would lose electrum/score by winning in bronze. This stemmed (as far as I can tell) from two things:

One is the mistaken assumption that you paid the lose price for a match even if you win, which would result in paying more to start the game than you'd receive from winning it. This is not and has never been the case.

The second thing is that there used to be a bug which resulted in arena paying 5 less electrum than it was supposed to. I don't recall the exact causes for this bug, but it was fixed. Even when the bug was in effect, in order to have a net loss of electrum, you would have to win every game at approximately 1 hp (and bronze would have to be swinging low on its rewards), and the net loss of electrum would be tiny (approximately 30 electrum per hour or something IIRC). However, as I mentioned, this has been fixed (and has been fixed for quite a while IIRC).

TL;DR: You absolutely do not lose either electrum or score by winning in bronze. Bronze is net profitable in score and electrum (just from plain rewards, completely disregarding spins) at around 60-65% win rate.

Hmm seems you might be right, i havent grinded (ground?) bronze in a while, but i definitely remember my score going down by 2-3 even if i won... seems to no longer be the case though.

Assuming that the lose-five-electrum bug I mentioned before applied also to score (which I don't actually know if it did or not, but it stands to reason), there are situations where you would have lost score from a win, but those were rather exceptional situations. It required that bronze be over-farmed to the point that the base reward was low enough that a win resulted in a displayed gain of 4 or less electrum, i.e. a situation where the stated reward was 8 electrum and you finished the game at 1 HP. A displayed gain of 4 electrum (due to the bug) resulted in an actual gain of -1 electrum.
Score gain is lower than electrum gain. Example: I just beat a Bronze deck and I got 9 score and 14 electrum. It didn't require any exceptional circumstances back then to lose score when Bronze rewards were at 3-4 electrum/game. You just won games and lost score. And yes, Bronze was being extremely farmed. People noticed it and started going to other leagues because their rewards were getting incredibly high. Similarly, Gold was worth as much as Plat during that period of time. Then zanz upped the rewards for all leagues :>
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=21501.msg1079366#msg1079366
« Reply #1775 on: June 11, 2013, 04:38:20 pm »
My question is, is there a topic in this forum that discusses Deckbuilding? That includes how many pillars you use, how to divide your pillars/pends in a duo deck, etc.

The search engine didn't find anything useful. :(
And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

~ Platinum Quest ~

