Can anyone explain how the AI plays mitosis? is it case-sensitive, with it actually factoring in upkeep costs and opponents lobo's/mind flayers?
Unless it has changed in the past
two three years, the AI barely considers anything. It picks the highest* attack creature it has that doesn't already have mitosis, adjusted for all the usual factors (for example, creatures with powerful skills like devour or freeze are worth double, and creatures that are poisoned are worth half since they will probably die and negate buffs/make CC unnecessary). It does not consider the cost of using mitosis. It does not pay attention to an enemy lobo, but if a creature is lobotomized it will no longer recognize the value of that skill and will be less likely to cast mitosis on that creature.
*technically, it selects for an attack as close to 25 as it can get. Presumably this was done for the sake of reusing code, and is equivalent to highest attack for all cases where current attack is anywhere near representative of the power of creatures spawned through mitosis