Aether hands down needs new cards. 'Overpowered' Fractal combos aside, it's the one with the fewest amount of creatures, making it overly 1-dimensional as an element when it comes to offensive tactics (Immortal being the prime culprit of their creature problem when it's compared to Phase Dragon [tougher stats/bypass Wings] and Phase Spider [greater utility and attack-cost ratio]). Despite all those fancy spells and permanents, Aether creatures are pretty boring, and it'd be nice for them to get a card in that category.
Everything else to me is a toss-up between "semi-desperate" and "unnecessary".
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- 17
Fire is a strong element, but despite its major strengths (or '
exploits', in my opinion), I suppose it really should get a new card A.S.A.P. Many elements had recent changes to their older cards to improve their versatility and strength (
), while others got cards that can dynamically support them (
). A couple of elements are still a bit short on strength level (
), but perhaps a few tweaks may be in order to improve those elements, rather than adding more cards.
TL;DR - Entropy and Fire are strong as is, but Fire does have the worst card pool quantity wise, whereas Water is worst quality wise. Aether needs cards period. All other elements either got cards or major changes to give them an awesome chance in War 3 hopefully.