So, another upgrade question
Fallen elf
Cost 4 quanta
Mutate into Abomination, Mutant or Die
Fallen Druid
Cost 5 quanta
Mutate into Mutant
I use the card mainly to convert my 1|1 skeletons into 5|5 abominations (thus making it great offense) or into some mutant with special abilites. If it dies I lose just 1 attack, which is nothing. Offensively, I use it to convert strong creatures into weak creatures, or kill them... and it works all the times. When the new mutation is something bad for me I can lobotomize it. I also use it to bring the creatures HP into my Otyughs range and I devour it, after all my Elite Oty starts with 5 HP and mutation gives me 5 HP abominations, which is quite close and after my Oty has eaten just once I'm ready to eat abominations.
Upgrading I would get
- 1 extra cost
Makes it harder to play earlier. I admit fallen elf is not the kind of card to play early specially because it's main advantage is to work on my own skeletons, but since I have 2 of them in my deck, if one comes out early I usually like to play it, because if my enemy plays some bad creature, I can neutralize it immediately. Also serves as cannon fodder for enemy direct attack, so my other creatures who come after are more secure. That said, I'm not sure the increase in cost is worth it, after all quanta is the main problem of the deck and anything that makes cards more expensive must be quite well justified.
- 1 extra HP, 3|3 instead of 3|2
Well, having 3 HP stops it from being immediately eaten by a regular Otyugh, but the AI never uses regular Otyughs anyway. Also makes it immune against maxwell's daemon, but the only gods that plays such card are chaos lord, which is quite easy no matter what, and rainbow, which is quite random and very difficult. Having 3 HP gives it one extra turn against 1/turn poison/plague... not really significant IMHO. After all, not a real advantage here
- Target creature can't die and can't become an abomination.
I'm not sure this is good. There are a lot of mutations that are weaker than 5|5 Abomination, and being able to transform a 1|1 Skelly into 5|5 is excellent. The ability to instant-kill the enemy is GREAT because I only use it offensively on the strongest creatures, but on myself I only use on skeletons so losing one is not a problem.
Regarding the Mutations... I'm need help here... I'd like to hear from people who have experience with this card: is getting crazy mutations all the time superior to getting abominations most of the time?
Thanks in advance