Very low level unupped RoL + Spark + Luciferase
"These flickering lights twinkle and dance in bewitching patterns. They are known to lure travelers into peril."
Low level unupped otyugh/vulture/assorted death
"Ghouls are the remains of mortal men stricken with a curse of insatiable hunger. Doomed to an existence of eternal starvation, they hunger for the flesh of all living things."
Frost Wight:
Mid-level partially upped Dry Spell + Soul Catcher to fuel big
creatures, carries lots of Ice Bolt
"These frozen abominations are the ghastly remains of ancient heroes and wizards long gone. Their long years of unlife have hardened their hearts with ice and left them bitterly resentful of all that lives, and now they seek to snuff out the warmth of living things."
Wight King:
Fully upped version of Frost Wight with more dragons and death effects
"From the wintry north these ancient lords still hold court over a land long frozen over. Filled with rage against a world that has passed them by they sustain themselves by sucking the life and warmth from those poor souls unfortunate enough to wander too far into the icy wastelands."
Desert Ghost:
GotP rush deck with Dry Spell + Nymph's Tears
"Forsaken souls doomed to wander the desert, these wretched spirits can be dangerous for the unwary traveler. They haunt the desolate wastes and lie in wait to ambush hapless victims to slake their terrible undying thirst."
Sand Wraith:
Upped Desert Ghost with more Dessications
"These terrifying apparitions roam the barren deserts, hunting for any living creatures foolish enough to brave the forgotten sands. They suck the life from all that they encounter--plants, animals, and even magical beings crumble to dust at their touch."
Low level mostly unupped Crusader + Long Sword
"A simple footsoldier in the army of Light. The legionary is expected not to merely lay down his life, but to sacrifice himself again and again to uphold the Light."
Mid level upped Crusader + Long Sword with some HP, carries extra Shield/Sanctuary and one Miracle
"A minor officer in the Legion of Light, the Decurions are the backbone of the army, leading and protecting the legion's rank and file. Weak individually, the grand armies of Light fight with coordination and teamwork; their splendid panoply is a sight to behold. None can break the Legion as long as the aegis of the Decurions remains unbroken."
Mid-high level 2x draw and mark Crusader + Animate Weapon + Blessing + Longsword
"The Centurions of Light are commanders of the Legion, seasoned veterans who have led countless charges against the enemies of Light. They wield their legions with expert skill; the soldiers beneath them are as their commanders' weapons, thrusting and parrying across the battlefield."
Fallen Legion:
High level Vader Sader, throws in a few Steals
"The unwavering legions of Light are not always so adamant; even the most stalwart defender of Light may sometimes fall from grace. Their existence is a burdensome and thankless one, championing the Light on endless battlefields, fighting until they fall, only to be called again to life and service. It is no surprise that some falter under the pressure and are consumed. Most are exterminated by the Legion itself, but those that overpower the Legion for their freedom are particularly dangerous."
Imperator Aeternus:
Extremely high level Crusaders with Lobo + Blessing + Twin Universe
"The forces of Light are legion, and at their head is their supreme overlord. Once, in a time long before memory, the Imperator Aeternus had a name, but over the course of countless campaigns the eternal warlord's name has been replaced by his function. His is the very essence of military might, existing only to fight, to lead, to command, waging war endlessly in the name of the Light."
Apprentice Smith:
Low level unupped Hematite Golems + Rage Potion, has a SoI
"Youth is a relative concept to the dwarves. Traditionally their runesmiths begin their apprenticeships upon their 200th birthday, receiving their first hammer in preparation for their training in the secret dwarven arts. Such rigorous standards and secrecy are necessary, for the dwarven forgelords are not mere weaponsmiths but masters of the ancient art of golemcrafting."
Dwarvish Runesmith:
Upped Apprentice Smith, includes Lava Golems + Heavy Plate + Wardens (Rage Pots are unupped so they can be used) and a few more shards
"Deep in the Dwarvish Mountainhomes, the runesmiths ply their craft. Theirs is the responsibility for forging not only the weapons and armor of the dwarvish guards, but also their secret weapons, the living war machines, the Golems. Patience is the chief virtue of the dwarves, but the runesmiths work at a feverish pace; their numbers are few, and their work is unending."
Arcane Forgelord:
High level Dwarvish Runesmith, adds Pulvys and a few Firemasters
"The Forgelords are the wisest and most respected of all dwarves. In their runeforges they draw heat from the volcanic blood of the earth itself to give life to rock and steel, creating living weapons of great destruction. It is their works that make the armies of the dwarves so feared."
Desert Sage:
Low-mid level mostly unupped Anubis + SoR + SoW, has a few Silence/Sundial to slow down opponent
"The old sage is a wizened soul who lives as a hermit among the dunes, contemplating the universe in solitude. His long years of silent thought have garnered a deep understanding of ancient secrets."