5 - # of
you get back for voting in Arena, number of
you get for the first two slots of a spin being the same
60 - max number of cards in a deck, minimum for FG
16 - max number of heal and hurt from Nightmare
13 - discard damage from upped Ghost
10 - discard damage as a glitch, and from discarding unupped Ghost
7 - blocks bone wall starts with
2 - blocks bone wall gains with each death, # of Supernovas consecutively used to summon upped Singularity
2 - poison counters of "Deadly vemon?"
3 - settings of volume and quality, PvP choices, # of Novas consecutively used to summon unupped Singularity
2- setting of music and AI speed
1 - maximum # of times to spin the oracle in a day30 - required to do PvP 120 - number of button of home screen of elements (excluding the save thing that appears briefly and without clicking any other button)
15 - a factor of 1500 which is the cost to upgrade a card.
Just some things I saw. Looks good, good idea. I hope mine are accurate.