Vampire. A very solid rush. Steal is evil, it's shield is evil, it's just all around awesome. Great at what it does.
Great at what it does.
Permanent dominance
Token glass cannon
Almost went for this, but remembered otyugh and blackhole.
?? What's it going to do?! Draw MORE bad cards? I will NEVER understand how time mono works.
Nova, mutants, and lycanthropes. Plus, can I get a butterfly effect?
The best element by far.
Lockdown creature control. Nymphs kick ass.
Pretty poor creatures, but hope is really good, RoL is awesome, and miracle kicks butt.
Aether shield is a good card, as is factal. Spark kicks ass. And I
suppose if you actually try killing creatures it
might be competent as an opponent.
Flying weapon. Dive. The ONLY insta-kill. Still... this was pretty low on the list.