1. AI3 has nymphs and so do FGs but how come you're not complaining about that? If the shards fit thematically and well inside a FG deck, then I think it should be there.
2. Akebono does need PC because the only way he can get around dim shield and sundials are his titan (and 2 unstoppables as well as chimera). My game with akebono was just using liquid/antimatter styled nymph tears deck. Akebono is still laughably easy with the liquid antimatter combo.
1. Who said that?
Here you can see I never liked AI3 having nymphs. I didnt start a poll about that because I didnt think it was that important. But this you are talking is just something that support what I said: if FGs are using shards, why not give AIs of lower levels shards that we could farm? Shards are rare cards, like the weapons we can already get from AI 3. If its no more 'AI-forbidden', lets have it to our benefit, too.
Akebono itself was designed to be the first mono FG. If we were giving to him gravity cards I could be ok with that. Its not the case. And yeah, I know he has the other shield, which is also something I dislike.
2. Mate, you were already listing gravity cards we could give him instead of a shard. He has a problem about Sundials, so lets give him shards? Miracle has the same problem, so lets give him some shards as well. Oh, Miracle doesnt use gravity quanta... but a shard is made 'other' exactly to this, so if fits the theme. And if you disagree, how about Dark Matter, or Graviton, or Gemini, or Obliterator?? Hmmmm... what? We are just balancing FGs that are considered on the 'easy' side? There are other ways to balance, right?
Ah, I agree, that Akebono is easy with the liquid antimatter combo. Which makes me to remember that Eternal Phoenix can be beaten by an unupped deck made by Thunderstorm, Condor, and Bone Wall. And this doesnt make Eternal Phoenix an easy FG to deal with.
are you kiding?? nobody have doubt soF is extreamly powerfull and should be nerfed however just because god's have a unuped counter does not mean they are easy (only if you know you will play against them (wich hapens only once a day) in my opinion this shards are here just to give players some of them and will be removed in some days from today...
however SOf and many other shards like SOsa SOse SOvoid and SOdivinity should be nerfed the problem is only in there
in long run shards should not be used by false gods
You are very confident about that, mate. Im not, I have never seen cards in any AI 'to give players some of them'. All deck changes I have seen until now were permanent.
I think shards in FG decks are just another way for people to attain them. I welcome them completely.
Like said, if its no more something 'player only', if we are really wantig another way to people attain them, lets add them to lower AI, too.