Akebono and Osiris are two of the weaker FGs, with them being nearly countered by simple cards (lobo, RT, dim shield, weight shield), and I actually like the addition of SoFo to them. SoFo gives them some more control (perm and quanta), and it also fits into their themes of gravity and whatnot. You suggest changes to the FGs without using shards, but instead of seeing shards as detrimental, why not just accept them as ways to enhance the FGs and change up their strategies a bit?
Like Decay is countered by Jade Shield, Serket is countered by Wings, and Eternal Phoenix is countered by Thunderstorm + Bone Wall? FGs are suposed to have bad match ups too, every deck has. But because of this, fighting against FGs is not something easy anyway. Or you think your unupped liquid antimatter deck is usable to grind vs FGs? This can work 1 game per day.
And, like yaladilae said, there is no easy FGs. Their variety compensate in a way that no deck can beat them all. And the FGs that are easy vs some decks are skips to others. Akebono is weak, you say, but it could crush my CCYB 9/10 games. Octane was easy to CCYB, and now can defeat Instosis consistently. Instosis defeat Ferox, which is a skip to RoL Hope. RoL Hope crushes Divine Glory, which is terrible vs CCYB. So, I dont think we need to enhance them, and specially with something this powerful, and not their theme (considering shards as player-only cards).
I am sorry. I clicked wrongly my vote. How to change my vote?? there should be an icon somewhere right??
I would add this option, but couldnt find it. Is it possible only by reseting the poll?
If shards go to AI3 (for example sake) they would make them way too attainable, it would make the game too easy to get most cards, I think.
Do you grind AI3 for an specific card? Its attainable according to the amount of them. Because there are currently 12 AI3, so if I want to grind some Fog Shields, I need get the right opponent (defeat it, which is obvious), have the card selected to the spins, and have enough luck in the spins, which is not that simple. Im talking about Fog Shield because its a card that is in AI3 set, but with a minimum amount, and over tons of games, its very hard to get even a single one. And there are other rares AI3 have, so, I see no problem.
In fact, Im exactly against AI using Shards, but if we are going to allow AI using them, just to the bad (hard) side? Nothing to actually help the players?