This poll doesn't really belong here but it's an important question so I posted it here..
Words used in this thread:
unupped tournament= only non-upgraded cards are allowed
upped tournament= upgraded cards are allowed (aka "anything goes")
I've been thinking about ways to improve community PvP events and competitions, and as a part of that, I made this poll about PvP tournaments.
Our community has thousands of daily visitors, yet we've had many 16vs16 tournaments with all the same names week after week. Tournaments have been almost like a private party. We need to make them bigger because right now PvP tournaments are the only way to win some real PvP rewards (mark cards), and everyone should have an equal chance participate.
Lack of marketing is clearly one main reason but I also think that "anything goes" tournaments with upgraded decks also makes it impossible for a lot of people to join. This is why I made this poll.
1. 1 unupped, 1 upped, 1 unupped, 1 upped
First choice is what we've had so far. Basically unupped and upped are 50/50. I don't know who came up with it originally but I know the community didn't vote for it. I personally think this system sucks and only widens the gap between veterans an newbies. The problem is that newbies cannot enter half the tournaments because they get destroyed by veterans and their upgraded decks. Then when newbies join the other half, veterans are there too!
2. 3 unupped, 1 upped
Second choice is what I propose. The idea is to have 3 unupped tournaments, and then one big upped tournament at the end of the month. This would give more new players chance to participate and tournaments would hopefully become bigger.
Vote and discuss.
P.s. I'm pretty sure some veteran players will vote for the first option because they see it as a way to win more cards for them. I ask that you think about what benefits the community as a whole, not your personal pile of cards. Thanks.