*cringes* I got a purple nymph
AGAIN today. That makes 6 of them. *sighs in agony* I want one of the 4 kinds i dont have! *anger at his fate* in any case it was 11 days since the previous nymph.
I now have 19 in total.
Do you just count the nymphs from the oracle or also those you won on the weekly pvp events?
If they all come from the oracle, I need to know your trick if there is one

(I don't think it makes any difference but which time do you usually log in to spin (wow, that rhymes...) or how long do you wait untill you press the spin button)
In average I had to wait 3 or 4 months for each nymph (except for my first 2

nymphs, that came 2 days in a row)
But anyways: congratulations for your 6th