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Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5189.msg182142#msg182142
« Reply #576 on: October 22, 2010, 09:24:27 pm »
an entire month of rubbing the fat man's belly and still not one dang nymph.


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Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5189.msg182145#msg182145
« Reply #577 on: October 22, 2010, 09:26:17 pm »
I got my 10th nymph today and Im not allowed to chnage my vote

 :gravity :death :gravity :aether :time :life :entropy (my third tournament win price) :time :water :entropy

9 from oracle 1 from tournmament
Today i can add a  :life nymph, 16 days between the two latest nymphs
Got a  :entropy nymph 2010-07-11 this makes it 7 days between the last two then
Today i got an auburn nymph. Its the :earth one. This means its 4 days between the last two nymphs.
I have 13 now all in all.
Today I got a grey nymph (death) which means i have 2 grey and 14 nymphs in total. It was 1 month and 9 days since last nymph.
Today I got a :entropy purple nymph (again) *sighs* it makes for a total of 15 nymphs and it was 23 days ago that i got the previous nymph.
Today I got my 16th nymph. Another Grey nymph  :death. This is annoying. In any case it was 6 days since the previous nymph. Changed vote to reflect this.
Just got an auburn nymph :earth. Its my second auburn nymph which pleases me a lot and the 17th in total. Its been 15 days since the previous one.
Just got my 18th nymph *changed vote* It was a :entropy... yeah I'm disappointed now i have 5 of those. Got 600 coins though which is nice. It was 2 days since my previous nymph.

Edit full nymph count
 :entropy :entropy :entropy :entropy :entropy :death :death :death :life :life :time :time :gravity :gravity :earth :earth :aether :water
*cringes* I got a purple nymph :entropy AGAIN today. That makes 6 of them. *sighs in agony* I want one of the 4 kinds i dont have! *anger at his fate* in any case it was 11 days since the previous nymph.
I now have 19 in total.
Yes how annoying having all those nymphs......

Offline Korugar

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Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5189.msg182230#msg182230
« Reply #578 on: October 22, 2010, 10:36:02 pm »
I got my 10th nymph today and Im not allowed to chnage my vote

 :gravity :death :gravity :aether :time :life :entropy (my third tournament win price) :time :water :entropy

9 from oracle 1 from tournmament
Today i can add a  :life nymph, 16 days between the two latest nymphs
Got a  :entropy nymph 2010-07-11 this makes it 7 days between the last two then
Today i got an auburn nymph. Its the :earth one. This means its 4 days between the last two nymphs.
I have 13 now all in all.
Today I got a grey nymph (death) which means i have 2 grey and 14 nymphs in total. It was 1 month and 9 days since last nymph.
Today I got a :entropy purple nymph (again) *sighs* it makes for a total of 15 nymphs and it was 23 days ago that i got the previous nymph.
Today I got my 16th nymph. Another Grey nymph  :death. This is annoying. In any case it was 6 days since the previous nymph. Changed vote to reflect this.
Just got an auburn nymph :earth. Its my second auburn nymph which pleases me a lot and the 17th in total. Its been 15 days since the previous one.
Just got my 18th nymph *changed vote* It was a :entropy... yeah I'm disappointed now i have 5 of those. Got 600 coins though which is nice. It was 2 days since my previous nymph.

Edit full nymph count
 :entropy :entropy :entropy :entropy :entropy :death :death :death :life :life :time :time :gravity :gravity :earth :earth :aether :water
*cringes* I got a purple nymph :entropy AGAIN today. That makes 6 of them. *sighs in agony* I want one of the 4 kinds i dont have! *anger at his fate* in any case it was 11 days since the previous nymph.
I now have 19 in total.
Yes how annoying having all those nymphs......
I know. Don't you just wish you were as irritated?


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Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5189.msg182271#msg182271
« Reply #579 on: October 22, 2010, 11:06:40 pm »
I got my 10th nymph today and Im not allowed to chnage my vote

 :gravity :death :gravity :aether :time :life :entropy (my third tournament win price) :time :water :entropy

9 from oracle 1 from tournmament
Today i can add a  :life nymph, 16 days between the two latest nymphs
Got a  :entropy nymph 2010-07-11 this makes it 7 days between the last two then
Today i got an auburn nymph. Its the :earth one. This means its 4 days between the last two nymphs.
I have 13 now all in all.
Today I got a grey nymph (death) which means i have 2 grey and 14 nymphs in total. It was 1 month and 9 days since last nymph.
Today I got a :entropy purple nymph (again) *sighs* it makes for a total of 15 nymphs and it was 23 days ago that i got the previous nymph.
Today I got my 16th nymph. Another Grey nymph  :death. This is annoying. In any case it was 6 days since the previous nymph. Changed vote to reflect this.
Just got an auburn nymph :earth. Its my second auburn nymph which pleases me a lot and the 17th in total. Its been 15 days since the previous one.
Just got my 18th nymph *changed vote* It was a :entropy... yeah I'm disappointed now i have 5 of those. Got 600 coins though which is nice. It was 2 days since my previous nymph.

Edit full nymph count
 :entropy :entropy :entropy :entropy :entropy :death :death :death :life :life :time :time :gravity :gravity :earth :earth :aether :water
*cringes* I got a purple nymph :entropy AGAIN today. That makes 6 of them. *sighs in agony* I want one of the 4 kinds i dont have! *anger at his fate* in any case it was 11 days since the previous nymph.
I now have 19 in total.
Yes how annoying having all those nymphs......
I know. Don't you just wish you were as irritated?
Yes, I do :3

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Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5189.msg182323#msg182323
« Reply #580 on: October 23, 2010, 12:08:15 am »
Quote pyramids, seriously.
I have only the one since I've been lazy with spinning oracle, but I like it because it is  :entropy


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Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5189.msg182589#msg182589
« Reply #581 on: October 23, 2010, 09:43:44 am »
 :earth :entropy || :entropy :entropy :entropy :death || :death :life

First account got some entropy lovin'. +1 purple nympho to my original account, which is, for the most part, gathering dust. Brings average to 3 per account (rounded to the nearest whole number, of course)


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Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5189.msg182595#msg182595
« Reply #582 on: October 23, 2010, 10:24:42 am »
i've got a  :aether   :time  :air  :life  :earth  :fire  :entropy  :water these all are all the nymphs i have i use to have 2 purples nymphs(entropy) but i sold 1 i dont know why... anyways i also put them in order to in my opinion least to greatest(least being water).

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Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5189.msg183562#msg183562
« Reply #583 on: October 24, 2010, 03:23:25 pm »
This Friday I got my Nymph # 13, and changed vote. Now I have:

 :entropy :entropy :earth :earth :life :fire :fire :water :water :air :air :darkness :aether

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Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5189.msg186189#msg186189
« Reply #584 on: October 27, 2010, 05:17:59 pm »
won finaly an entropy nymph today :D :D
i have 5 now:
 :life :gravity :fire :entropy :earth
:gravity nilsieboy :gravity
I wondered why the titan was getting bigger, then it hit me. ~gravity
avatar by agentflare.

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Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5189.msg186421#msg186421
« Reply #585 on: October 27, 2010, 09:32:06 pm »
Rast, I believe your the first one to have 6 copies of a nymph!!!

JJ 52

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Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5189.msg186426#msg186426
« Reply #586 on: October 27, 2010, 09:40:40 pm »
Rast, I believe your the first one to have 6 copies of a nymph!!!
didnt kael or someone have a ton of  :aether nymphs?


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Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5189.msg186643#msg186643
« Reply #587 on: October 28, 2010, 12:47:02 am »
Still get no Nymph since I have played Elements 2 weeks ago.
Is ORACLE the only way to get it ??

