I got two auburn nymphs as well, my friend, who don't play much also got an auburn nymph. So, I think it's the most common.
They're probably all equally rare - they're a set and there's no real reason they wouldn't be. Unless element gets picked before a card, in which case those nymphs in elements with fewer cards could be slightly more common... but I doubt that.
Because it picks an element first and then the card from that element, those elements with fewer cards should have more common nymphs. Also because the seeding system is slightly biased some elements will be chosen more often than others but this bias is so small it could be considered negligable and probably only noticable to a measure of 100000 spins or more.
According to the law of large numbers the difference in the amount of certain nymphs will come closer to the expected value all the more trials are performed. So with 100000 spins the diffenrence will be closer to the expected value, but it wont be really noticeable considering that the chance is just slightly different. If you get 158-162 (for example) nymphs of each element after 100000 spins you cant say its really noticeable.
I think it will be really noticeable now, because there arent much and thus the numbers wont be close to the expected vlaue.
If there are some kinds of nymphs 40 times and other only 10 times the differnce is just 30 but the relative difference is huge.
But I dont know whether its really the case or not, but its common with few trials that it will be. So I would like to see a poll for that. And I think "CB!" should start it. At least I dont want to start a new thread that is so close to an already existing.
You see the "LLN" here too:
I got two auburn nymphs as well, my friend, who don't play much also got an auburn nymph. So, I think it's the most common.
Weird, I thought
was most common. Seeing as I got three of those right away. I like them a lot, though. 
Looks like Purple Nymphs are the most common.
I have 3.