Day 2: 44-29 Score is 241 and electrum is 624.
Only played against ai3/4 this time, except for some of the quests that I forgot about. Actually won some cards finally, beyond the phase spider and water pillar I won yesterday. I managed to get both a shard of wisdom and a lobotomizer from two different MA decks I faced in bronze (emerald shield beat one guy's bronze camping alt because it SoWed its immortals :p) and I also got an immortal and a dimshield, so I changed my secondary element to aether and bought some life pendulums, since buying pillars/pends is allowed. I have too much quanta in the deck, but at least a couple of the ai3 decks have earthquake, so it hasn't been a problem, yet.
I've noticed that ai3 plays a lot worse than the other levels. I've beaten the ai3 with auburn nymph several times because it won't use it on my creatures, but only on its own. (with gravity pull and catapult) Conversely, I cannot recall ever seeing the AI do that in any other situation. I've also noticed it playing very badly in other cases as well. I won one game because it would not use maxwell's demon no matter how much entropy quanta it had. I hit him about 4 times with my emerald dragon after he played a maxwell's, and even with like 8-9 entropy on the last turn and 10hp, the ai didn't bother to kill it.
This has really been a trip down memory lane, in no small part because I originally started with a life starter deck back in the day. I don't know if I'll stick with this more than a few days, but it's proved an interesting take (retake?) on the game for now. (also, lol at whoever lost to my bronze arena deck that had 5 skeletons, death mark, and all the life cards from the starter)