Okay, so I've been lurking for a while and posting occasionally. Just want you all to know I'm still a part of this community, coming up with ideas to try and make the game better

So, my suggestion is simple:
A browser based simulator for calculating the win percentage of a certain deck, against a certain AI category.
- You choose the cards in your deck
- You then choose the opponent category (eg. False Gods/AI3)
- You then choose the number of simulations, default 100
- You then hit 'Simulate'
The reason I'm suggesting this is because right now, the only way to test a deck properly is to head to the trainer and build it, then do countless battles against the AI. This not only takes a lot of time, if you make any changes to your deck - however slight - you have to start recording a new win/loss record.
This will be extremely difficult to code, considering that no amount of clever AI scripts and procedures can compare to the complexity of an actual human player. Especially when a Rainbow-Deck is involved.
Somethings to consider...
- Effective use of Sundials, play only when incoming damage is over 20, and only if you have Light Quanta for example...
- Stealing the appropriate cards, and never steal a weapon when Eternity is in play for yourself
- Waiting to play a creature until you can Quintessence it in the same turn
- Stalling with correct use of Phase Shields and Sundials
- Waiting to know when to use a Firestorm or two
- Using Fallen Druid's improved Mutate on your fodder (Skeletons/Fireflies)
- Avoiding deliberate creature control when your opponent has a Bone Wall
- Etc...
As you can see, the list is endless. But I think this will be an extremely valuable tool for evaluating the effectiveness of a deck, although it will never be perfect. I think, no matter the level of intuitive coding given to the 'Human Players Deck' will ever make it close to as though an actual human player was in control. It would even be safe to say that any win-rate given by such a simulator will be 10 to 20% off of the actual value.
Anyways, just an idea

, your thoughts and discussion will be most welcome.