Awesome! I never knew that!
And this is why these things should be more prominent IMO...
One of the best things for creativity is for people to know how to best use cards. So if 60% of deckbuilders don't know this or that, they may instead just turn to a PuppyChow or SG deck or whatever is popular atm...From my days of MtG, I could never really make a tourny-ready deck, but I could easily see how to convolute cards to do your bidding (deck size and land quantity has always been my downfall). With Elements, however, the abilities of cards and how they work together don't always add up how it would seem (kinda reminds me of watching the YuGiOh show, how some card is played that does one thing, unless you have this other thing, then it does something totally different, unless THEY have this OTHER thing, then it does get it, right?
anyways, back on topic:
Some easily found and logically marked section of the cards and abilities and interactions of at least the few mostly overlooked/unknown/not-obvious things should be made visible from the Elements Game Screen...not the wiki, not the forums, somewhere a person who doesn't even know this stuff exists could find it
I say all this because I myself had played for a good month before finding the forums, and it was long after that that I found the Oracle, and that was only because of a post about 'What if the Oracle gives me X FG?' Prior to this I didn't even notice the button
I don't really think these are as prominent as they should be, for me to get to the Trainer, I have to go to Forums, then click the Resources tab, which I found way after finding the Oracle.
There may be a faster way to get to this stuff, but I have not found it...and if I haven't that means others haven't either.
edit: I'm an idiot and can't remember anything...