So I started this game few months ago (8 or 9 I think).
Now I'm always playing this at least a couple hours each day so first conclusion : this game is so good.
Then I've some advice/Thoughts about it.
For me one BIG thing is needed : MOAR CARDS ! at best we can try to double the number of cards !
Okay lot of noob said that before me but I'll explain :
First of all an obvious fact : more cards mean more choice and more good deck, new environnement, new VERY intersting things in PVP : For me it'll be almost a reborn for the game (even if he is not dead ^^).
Secondly the main fact : farming is boring. I mean real farming : not taking a funny deck and test it but play a deck fairly fast and with a good win rate for example USEM for AI3 or CCYB/RoL hope for FG. they are almost the only deck which are worthy to use when you farm (with some other like Tadabow, voodoo deck..). So if we implemant lot of cards we can have 2 goods effects:
1) New efficients deck will appear and we can use them all
2) Tons of news opponents will be designed (specially in AI3 there are 10 differents that so boring) and I think this I really needed.
Then an other good side of this : Player who have all the rare cards and all cards upped will have ton of new cards to win !
Randoms facts :
We can implemant news rare and maybe new(s) element(s).
We can add news capacity which make the game strategic/interessant I think.
We should works on pillars to make trio/quartet more playable.
OK mister ralouf you have good idea but how can we do it ?
So here again I have idea :
create competition : design new pillar, new weapon/shield new creature and spell. create other competition : design AI3/FG with specific rules : design an AI3 who use life earth duo for example etc..
I you lack of idea go in the post your card idea here !
Bentchmarking : yeah it's a fact it works very good. As I'm an old MtG player I can affrim that it contain ton of good idea. i don't want EtG to become a copy at all but we can take inspiration (I really want to see new pillar who can produce 2 differents quanta)
In one word : USE THE COMMUNITY ! there are lot of guy with good idea here we can just use everything !
TY for reading me and sorry for beeing so bad in english
Hope this will become true one day
long live to elements the game