All in all, I think, it´s pretty much a very bad idea. A very strong NO from me.
[...]What I suggest is that when choosing an AI you get to pick one of 3 opponents selected Randomly and build in a reward rating/handicap for the opponent.
The First Part the Choice of 3.
When you select an AI 2,3,4,5,6 The name of the Player is shown, his rating, his mark and 3 cards from his deck. You then select to play them or leave and lose your coin.
- This could be coupled with the future T50 implementation [...]
AI2: AI2 is very easy, nobody would want to choose decks.
AI3: AI3 decks are no secret. 3 cards show the whole deck. AI3 are easy enough. What are ttw and win rate of common Anti AI3 decks ? low ttw, high win rate.
AI4: AI4 will probably be changed soon. I hope, you know the newest information about T500.
It looks like you don´t. .
Several levels of difficulty and oracle gives restrictions to your deck. The
variety of decks shall be
as big as possible and the player shall be
surprised by new strategies. Higher tiers will be FG-like .
A spoiler destroys this experience and is pretty much against the idea of T50 and T500. Also the feature to choose decks (even if you "only" see 3) is against the idea of T50 or T500.
AI5: 3 cards and you have high chance to know the colors of the deck (and the name of AI5). Increases reward much and this choice probably reduces the number of used decks.
AI6: Common FG decks shall beat as much FGs as possible with high win rates. And a variety of strategies IS used. Building good decks means estimating FG strategies.
The better oracle predictions are a good change, because you learn to build decks against specific opponents - that´s a quite new task for deck building - and a motivation for new players.
@rating: The strength of a FG or other opponent´s deck is dependent on your strategy. Decay would have little chances against some Rainbow decks with the right shields. RoL Hope against Decay - you have almost no chance - maybe with Sanctuary in the first turns.
And Miracle can deck some decks out.
Of course some FGs are harder than others.