Whether or not the "oldies" have struggled with a particular aspect of the gameplay has absolutely no hold over whether a change needs to be made. If this is the mentality we are to have when weighing the pros and cons of a suggestion, nothing will ever change, and Elements will stagnate. Consider even all of the changes which have occurred since the start, which wouldn't have been made in the face of such logic. After all, why should new players have a wider selection of cards at their disposal, when older members have had to make due with less for so long? Why should new players get to change their mark for free, when this was one major problem older players had to work around for quite some time? The thing is that a reduction in price for upgraded cards would benefit everyone -- not just new players. Hence, the logic is unsound.
My only stipulation is that I don't agree that towers are the weakest upgraded cards. Frankly, I think the upgrade is one of the best -- especially after leaving my fully-upped grinder behind to spend hours working on completely unupped decks for tourneys, I can't believe what a difference towers make for a deck in terms of speed! The difference can easily make or break a game. I think there are quite a few cards much worse-off, which gain almost nothing to upgrade but cost just the same to do so.
However, I'm not opposed to lowering the upgrade cost entirely -- rather, I think the cost should be lowered to ~1000 for all cards. 1500 electrum is certainly possible to grind with dedication and willpower, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed. You could also just as well grind enough for 2000 electrum per card, but pardon my assumption that most players wouldn't exactly be thrilled at the idea of having to do that.