Have you understood the problem ,here ? wolfunit has explained this problem to me in chat (although I wasn´t called teffy)
And I think I can make it a bit easier for you to understand:
The game window on kong looks a bit different , the main menu shows your name in the edge, you have an "account info button "and - more important, the stars (*) you see in the screenshot.
If you click on a button with a *, a new tab opens, and if you aren´t careful enough, you have 2 tabs with the game open, and this is bad, because the game progress isn´t saved. And the chat window (see wolfunit´s screenshot) on kong is next to the game window, so it isn´t useful for players to open a new tab on elementsthegame
BUT, if you click the quest button , you see the buttons in the way they are shown in the second window, and the buttons have no *, and- surprise surprise - a new tab doesn´t open, and you remain on the kong page, and you play Top 50 or view highscore on the kong page.
The idea of wolfunit is now:
Why can´t we simply click "Top50" on kong ? Why do we have to click "quest" and "top 50", if we want to play against top 50 on the kong page ?
I see no good reason for this...