I'm more curious of any spider/wings combo someone succeeded to use in unupgraded pvp, with spiders not being first class offense creatures, and with the opponent using cleverly the creature control and permanent control most pvp decks have if spiders/wings annoy his strategy.
Considering thats an anti fg deck meant to take someone down with 200 hp, I have a feeling it would work unupgraded taking on people with only 100 hp.
IMO, a deck using only 2hp creatures (even with quintessences it may be a problem when you have nothing to remove damage shields), having his strategy based on a shield not protected against pc (and only 4 copies of it, instead of the 6 most aether stall carry), with a lobo as only creature control, no permanent control, nothing against denial as well when its shield is mark only powered, etc... would need some huge luck to win more than once in a blue moon in pvp1 (of course you may encounter opponents having no control at all, or too bad draws to use it, but this deck is just saying "rape me" to any other).