Since sundials were nerfed, no one really uses them anymore (not as much anyway). They aren't completely useless, but they aren't completely useful either. This led me to ponder a way to keep them nerfed the way they are, but add a different effect as well.
Basically, we make sundial last for two turns. If you use hasten, it only lasts for one. Kinda complicated because you would have to code it so people can't activate the ability on the second (last) turn. I'm not counting the turn you play it as a turn, but if you want to count it then just add +1 to your understanding of the suggestion; it's still the same thing.
Anyway, it's basically changing the card, but not changing it. Either you can draw faster with one turn of no attacks, or you can draw regularly with two turns of no attacks. I don't think either way provides more of an advantage over the other; however, it could change the outcome of the game (if you don't hasten, more quanta is distributed before attacks are allowed...).