Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Game Suggestions and Feedback => Topic started by: Lanidrak on April 26, 2010, 03:48:39 pm

Title: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: Lanidrak on April 26, 2010, 03:48:39 pm
And so, I call to your attention exhibit A.


Sure, that is a very unlikely scenario. I had to head to the trainer to test it out. But couldn't we stack all permanent's? Like pillars do.

Stacking of Pillars & Towers (of the same element)
Simple, Towers give you the quanta as they enter the play. The entire stack gives you quanta at the end of your turn. The text should read:
"You get 'the number of cards in this stack' quanta of relevant element at the end of every turn"

Stacking Empathic Bonds/Feral Bonds
Simply edit the card text to say:
"Every creature in your possession heals you for 'number of cards in this stack' HP at the end of every turn.

Stacking of Graveyards and Bone-Yards
This one is a bit trickier, since they spawn different creatures: Skeleton and Elite Skeleton respectively. It would be possible though, by again, just altering the text of the stack:
"Everytime a creature is killed you get 'number of cards in stack which are Bone-Yards' Skeletons and 'number of cards in stack which are Graveyards' Elite Skeletons.

Stacking of Shards of Gratitude
Simple, again, just edit the text:
"Heal yourself for up to '5 * the number of cards in this stack' HP's at the end of every turn."

Stacking of Golden and Electrum Hourglasses.
Another a tricky one. If we put the Electrum Hourglasses on top of the stack, and the Golden Hourglasses on the bottom. The text should read
" :time : Hasten - Draw a card from your deck - 'number of cards in the stack (which can be used still)' uses left."

So, as a general rule of thumb, upgraded cards reside on the top of the stack and therefore are the first to be stolen/deflagrated.

Can anyone see any potential problems with this suggestion? I think it will make the 'Permanent Area' a lot tidier, and easier to see what your opponent or yourself for that matter, are up to.

Note: One thing I have noticed, is that Enchant/Protect Artefact just got a lot more valuable... But I think that is a good thing. You would have to carry 6 of t hem to protect 6 individual cards previously, with this suggested change, you can carry 6 and protect all your permanent's. Since, by definition, being permanent means you are there to stay. I think it is good.

Title: Re: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: Kamietsu on April 26, 2010, 04:31:59 pm
Upgraded and Unupgraded should never stack together. Other than that, I agree with this idea. it's annoying to have 3 spaces taken up by Hourglass, sometimes when I have a lot of permanents there, for some reason i lose track of them.
Title: Re: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: Lanidrak on April 26, 2010, 04:40:18 pm
But but but... the way I suggested it, Un-upgraded and Upgraded cards can stack perfectly fine. It will just require some coding around. But nothing that Zanzarino can't handle - I am sure.


Ps. I love your avatar Kamietsu, can you make me one? Maybe with the Gravity Pull card art?
Title: Re: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: xdude on April 26, 2010, 04:42:08 pm
I think there is a reason for which they don't stack: just like creatures, you can't have a freaking HUGE army of permanents :D.
Title: Re: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: Lanidrak on April 26, 2010, 04:47:33 pm
Well, with a duplicate card limit of 6 - and the general consensus that Permanent's are not really a key way to win a game... I think your statement is wrong.

This will for the most part, tidy up the Permanents section of the game play area (which is cramped enough as it is).

I too, like Kamietsu, get confused when my Permanent Section is getting pretty full. I often wonder if I had used my 3rd Hourglass if I could have maybe won that game. It's always a bit too late to realise though, once you've hit spacebar.
Title: Re: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: xdude on April 26, 2010, 04:50:15 pm
Well, with a duplicate card limit of 6 - and the general consensus that Permanent's are not really a key way to win a game... I think your statement is wrong.

This will for the most part, tidy up the Permanents section of the game play area (which is cramped enough as it is).

I too, like Kamietsu, get confused when my Permanent Section is getting pretty full. I often wonder if I had used my 3rd Hourglass if I could have maybe won that game. It's always a bit too late to realise though, once you've hit spacebar.
I'm not saying it's right. I'm saying what I think to be in Zanz's mind.
Title: Re: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: Lanidrak on April 26, 2010, 04:54:00 pm
And I am simply disagreeing with the idea of mind-reading with which you base your argument. :p

If permanent's could stack, would everyone run off to create the most ultimate killer deck that used only permanents? No. Permanent's don't deal damage - with the exception of Unstable Gas. And therefore, by using just permanent's you can NEVER win a game (exception, Unstable Gas).
Title: Re: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: Kamietsu on April 26, 2010, 05:04:22 pm
But but but... the way I suggested it, Un-upgraded and Upgraded cards can stack perfectly fine. It will just require some coding around. But nothing that Zanzarino can't handle - I am sure.


Ps. I love your avatar Kamietsu, can you make me one? Maybe with the Gravity Pull card art?
I dont mean the coding or anything, I mean visually and mechanically, it will be confusing. You play your upgrade, then you play your unupgraded and one of them disappears while the other stays but has a little x2 mark. Only similar cards should stack, and upgraded and unupgraded aren't similar, thus why an upgraded mark won't stack with your current mark.

And sure, I can make one. Did you want it as a melting feature like I have with mine?
Title: Re: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: Lanidrak on April 26, 2010, 05:06:45 pm
Well Visually and Mechanically - it can be improved. Right now, when you mouse over a card portrait, you see an enlarged version of the actual card. When we have a Stack, displayed as a card portrait and a x2 - denoting how many of this card are in the stack. So, when you mouse over a card portait of a stack, it should show you all the cards in the stack, or at least Normal on the left and Upgraded on the right and then the numbers of each.

Well, I think you used the 'Liquefy' tool in Photoshop? If you can make it sort of spiral! That'd be kick ass, I'm getting bored of all these people copying my Eclipse! xD
Title: Re: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: Kamietsu on April 26, 2010, 05:24:26 pm
Well Visually and Mechanically - it can be improved. Right now, when you mouse over a card portrait, you see an enlarged version of the actual card. When we have a Stack, displayed as a card portrait and a x2 - denoting how many of this card are in the stack. So, when you mouse over a card portait of a stack, it should show you all the cards in the stack, or at least Normal on the left and Upgraded on the right and then the numbers of each.

Well, I think you used the 'Liquefy' tool in Photoshop? If you can make it sort of spiral! That'd be kick ass, I'm getting bored of all these people copying my Eclipse! xD
I suppose that could work in theory, but i feel it's just over complicating things. It's much easier over all to separate upgraded and unupgraded. Plus, part of the point to maximum permanent limitation is a part of the strategy, just as maximum creature limit. If upgraded and unupgraded were combined, that'd be too much in favor of or beating the limitation.

Haha, good eye for photoshop, yes, i used liquify, and sure, i can make that card you want sprial.
Title: Re: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: Kael Hate on April 27, 2010, 08:34:34 am
I think your screenshot is fine, its what happens when you play lots of different types of things.

I do believe tho that things of the exact same type that have no activator should 'cluster' (Cluster is the official term - See Trident). Often you'll run a few SoGs or Feral Bond these should Cluster to multiply the effect. Hourglass should not cluster as they have activators.
Title: Re: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: Scaredgirl on April 27, 2010, 09:28:21 am
I personally don't think all permanents should stack, just like I don't think creatures should stack.

There's a reason why in the movies you see thousands of orcs at the same time on the battlefield, instead of one orc holding a sign that says "10,000". Multiple creatures and permanents look more epic than numbers. Pillars are a bit different because they would take too much space.

Instead of stacking, I would like to see permanents being "smarter" and grouping together. Like for example if I play a Feral Bond that appears in left side of the screen, the next Feral Bond I play goes next to it, and if I play something else, it goes to the right side.
Title: Re: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: Lordpants on May 05, 2010, 04:28:09 am
I agree with the grouping together, countless times I've found myself losing track of where my sundials/hourglasses are because stuff is stacked on top of it, the glimmer on the outside boarder works but not when theres 10 shiny boarders (exaggeration) in the permanent section.
Title: Re: Suggestion - Stacking Permanents?
Post by: Lanidrak on May 09, 2010, 08:37:09 pm
Thanks LordPants.

It could be easily built into the UI (user interface), that ALL cards can stack. Simply, when you mouse-over a stack, it will tell you
1) how many are in the stack
2) how many can still be activated...

As for upgraded and non-upgraded stacking, I see the problem with this. But my solution is this:

In a stack, the upgraded cards always are on the top, and therefore, when the stack is targetted by a Deflagrate/Explosion or Steal etc. The upgraded card would be targetted.

Same with Pillars and Towers. Since a tower functions EXACTLY like a pillar does (except the +1 :fire or +3 random quanta on the turn you play it).

This would make
1) Earthquakes a lot more dangerous.
2) Protect Artifacts a lot more useful.