Not sure if this would fit better in Cards or Features..
To the best of my reckoning, Purify is the only card in the game that has the potential to be a completely useless card in your hand (in the case that your opponent is not a poison user). Because of this, I find myself almost never including it because the times where it is not useful seem to outweigh the times it can be useful, so I don't want the extra card taking up space.
I'm not saying it should be improved to a great extent, but maybe adding something marginal to give it some slight benefit if played. My suggestions would be something like:
1) Give one Water quantum upon being played or
2) Heal the user for 1 or 2 Health
Again, nothing too dramatic, just something so that I don't feel the card is a complete waste when I draw it and I'm up against someone that uses no poison.
Any thoughts?