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indicator for inability to cast spells (summoning sickness/tiredness) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23692.msg302053#msg302053
« on: March 31, 2011, 03:36:27 am »
currently, a creature who has just been summoned (or has already used its ability, or has been lobotomized, or...) cannot use any further abilities until next round, and does not have the nice flashy border indicating that it can cast.

however, there is no way to tell if a creature *would* be able to cast if it had a skill, if it doesn't have one now - and for stuff like Butterfly Effect this can be critical.

in case of something like skeletons (produced by bone yard or other means, during the opponent's turn), it's even less obvious when they are "tired".

if adding an icon to the card is not feasible, at least add it to the creature pop-up info box (the one with "frozen rounds remaining", max/current hp, etc)


