Gonna put a few disclaimers here:
1) I love this game, though I haven't been playing for very long (though I often play for a few hours dispersed across a day)
2) The game itself is fun
3) I understand that RNG is basically how card games work (I'd like to note that that's only really NECESSARY for drawing cards, not obtaining them)
4) This is not my first experience with collectible card games
With that out of the way, on to my concerns.
To preface, while I found the quests to be quite easy, I can see (and have read) how many players flat out give up after they reach a certain quest (either 150 or 500, I don't really remember). But to me, this is okay, because this type of grinding, while not very desirable for many players, isn't that big of a deal. All we have to do is play the game, yeah? What's the problem?
Well, there is no problem. Not with that. I don't take issue with it because grinding in almost every game has guaranteed rewards for your efforts, and this is similar to the score-quest goal. When you grind in Pokemon or something, you get EXP, yeah? If you lose, you don't get EXP. Simple. It's a very clear and simple system that rewards you if you do well.
The issue is that Elements does not work like this all the time.
Rare cards, afaik and from what people told me on the chat, are only obtainable (efficiently, by yourself after the specific quest for the rare weapon, etc.) from the Arena. This is fine...if you have the tools to grind them efficiently. I don't. No new player does. But, we have the Bronze Arena, right? And there's a very efficient and very cheap-to-build Bronze grinding deck already.
The problem with this goes back to my point about what grinding generally entails. While you are working toward an ultimate goal that is pretty far off (I guess a level up in most games), your incremental rewards from doing well in the game (EXP) make it a guaranteed reward at the end once you work hard enough. In contrast, the system used in Elements in the form of spinners has the potential to just ignore your hard work and tell you to beg the RNG to be in a good mood. Can you imagine if you had to grind to a certain level in a game to beat a boss, and then every time you got enough EXP to level up, you were presented with a spinner? And then the spinner decides whether or not you wasted your time? You would go insane. You wouldn't even want to play the game anymore, no matter how fun it gets later. At least, I wouldn't. Simply put, if you aren't lucky, then either use up another 15+ minutes of your life or close the game and do something else. This isn't challenge, this is just the game being obtuse.
I maintain and assert that this system just makes the game inaccessible. There's no benefit as far as I'm concerned. The time-sink factor is just unnecessary and it causes a lot of heartache.
Common arguments in the chat were:
1) They're rare cards for a reason!
Okay, sure. Rare cards are rare cards, and opening packs in real TCGs is part of the game (though I don't really agree with it), so spinners aim to emulate that. But Elements doesn't have to be obnoxious like booster packs are with its rares. There are a ton of options here. One that I thought would be interesting would be if you just made it a guaranteed drop from one of the AIs or something. You don't have to mess around with nonsense like the game being in a bad mood that day (or, in my case, many days...), and you have a goal to look forward to without any caveats.
2) You could donate.
I don't agree with this on a personal level just because it makes it feel like a mobile game with in-app purchases. You wanna make a deck with a card that you haven't been able to get because the game hates you today? That's too bad, but I know a way that you can persuade it!
This doesn't necessarily mean that the game shouldn't give any incentive to donate. It's a fun game already and it's free with no ads, so that's really cool by itself. You can give people the cards too. But the problem is that because of how luck-based obtaining the cards are by yourself, you may feel like donating is your only option (that's how I've felt after the special spinner decided to end on the exact same three slots that it started with for the 4th time in a row).
3) It's just bad luck!
I don't disagree, but this doesn't really make the current system any less flawed. I don't think that I should be rewarded or told that I've wasted my time based entirely on the RNG.
So yeah, just let me know what you think. I still love how the game plays, it's just a really big barrier and discouraging thing about it, and I'd really like it to be fixed. Thanks for reading.