Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Game Suggestions and Feedback => Topic started by: Nash2342 on February 22, 2012, 05:05:06 am

Title: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: Nash2342 on February 22, 2012, 05:05:06 am
I have been playing PvP a lot and when i find a challenging or just a fun to play opponent i sometimes want to play again. But it is hard to get across how to set up a PvP duel in the few seconds left in the game. So what i propose is a Rematch Button that will do that for you if both players agree and press the button. 

I have lost 4 potential rematches so far. So if you think it is a good idea will you please put this in. I think it would help make this a better game.

P.S. I like this game a lot. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/Smileys/SoLoSMiLeYS1/darkness18x18.png)
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: eaglgenes101 on February 22, 2012, 05:18:35 am
Try to note their username right after the match.
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: Nash2342 on February 22, 2012, 05:24:57 am
I do but some of the players want to play against don't know how.
It would just make it easier to do.
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: furballdn on February 22, 2012, 05:26:31 am
Ask their username and tell them yours. Then ask them to a pvp duel afterwards.
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: Nash2342 on February 22, 2012, 05:39:02 am
I know how to do it. I have done it a few times. But sometimes there is not enough time. If there were a Button that you could push and have it ask the other player. Then the other player could just hit yes or no on a dialog box and it would take less time then typing the whole thing out and besides some players have long long user names.
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: drolly on February 22, 2012, 09:28:43 am
Very good idea, Nash, hereby seconded. There is a major difference between challenging them for another PvP Duel "against a friend" and Rematching. PvP 1/2 is not only played for fun but for electrum and cards. If you lose a game thinking "Oh man, my deck would have been such a good counter to theirs and I got that unlucky draw" and have the Rematch button available, you'll simply press it. If your opponent goes like "w00t, I've defeated this expert player, let's do it again", they'll press it as well and you'll have the chance showing off your deck against each other again. The second match will be played immediately after, players won't be able to change their decks. In the end, you'll have made up or doubled your 30/50 :electrum loss depending on whether your judgement turns out to be right.

The only exploit I can imagine is a veteran player putting together a farm deck, not minding the electrum loss and giving away shards to a lucky novice by repeatedly playing (letting his AI play?) them. But this can be prevented by offering no Rematch after one player has won the second time, best-of-three-like.

Maybe my take is a bit different than yours; I just spotted that you mentioned "PvP duel" in your OP, do you mean the one without gaining rewards?
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: Dm on February 22, 2012, 10:42:53 am
Ask their username and tell them yours. Then ask them to a pvp duel afterwards.
And then our wonderful PVP server lags. Then what? Fake Games, the search lasts forever, no back to menu and again? That would be a good option if our server was really perfect.
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: Chapuz on February 22, 2012, 01:50:16 pm
Ask their username and tell them yours. Then ask them to a pvp duel afterwards.
And then our wonderful PVP server lags. Then what? Fake Games, the search lasts forever, no back to menu and again? That would be a good option if our server was really perfect.
And it would make even easier the rare cards trading.
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: bripod on February 22, 2012, 02:14:31 pm
Yep, card trading at its finest... Not a good idea.
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: Nash2342 on February 22, 2012, 04:18:03 pm
I did not think you could spin after a PvP Duel so how can you get cards this way. This would be a rematch under PvP Duel rules so how is this any different then setting up a PvP match by hand.
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: Naesala on February 22, 2012, 06:37:24 pm
I see what he's saying. The rematch button would start a new game, but without electrum/score/spins. It'd be just like jotting down each others names and challenging each other in the free PvP. The benefit here is if you decide you want this in the last minute/round of a match where you don't really have time to discuss it.

So here's a few versions:
Option 1 (his idea): At the "you win" or "You lose" screen have a button saying "Rematch?" that will send a request to the opponent. If they accept, a new match is played in free PvP.
Option 2) On the win and lose screens, allow in game chat to continue until one person leaves, giving more time to discuss a rematch.
Option 3) a "request a match" feature where one could send his/her name to an opponent, who could then delete the request or accept the request (a bit more finicky, but I like the idea).
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: TheManuz on February 23, 2012, 12:29:04 am
I see what he's saying. The rematch button would start a new game, but without electrum/score/spins. It'd be just like jotting down each others names and challenging each other in the free PvP. The benefit here is if you decide you want this in the last minute/round of a match where you don't really have time to discuss it.

So here's a few versions:
Option 1 (his idea): At the "you win" or "You lose" screen have a button saying "Rematch?" that will send a request to the opponent. If they accept, a new match is played in free PvP.
Option 2) On the win and lose screens, allow in game chat to continue until one person leaves, giving more time to discuss a rematch.
Option 3) a "request a match" feature where one could send his/her name to an opponent, who could then delete the request or accept the request (a bit more finicky, but I like the idea).
Option 2 is the best.
It doesn't make easier to trade cards, allow for comments on decks and the game, and gives the possibility to player to know each other (or insult each other! :P)
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: Nash2342 on February 23, 2012, 05:06:06 pm
I see what he's saying. The rematch button would start a new game, but without electrum/score/spins. It'd be just like jotting down each others names and challenging each other in the free PvP. The benefit here is if you decide you want this in the last minute/round of a match where you don't really have time to discuss it.

So here's a few versions:
Option 1 (his idea): At the "you win" or "You lose" screen have a button saying "Rematch?" that will send a request to the opponent. If they accept, a new match is played in free PvP.
Option 2) On the win and lose screens, allow in game chat to continue until one person leaves, giving more time to discuss a rematch.
Option 3) a "request a match" feature where one could send his/her name to an opponent, who could then delete the request or accept the request (a bit more finicky, but I like the idea).
I like your thinking. Option 1 of Option 2 would be good.
Option 3 could be a nuisance if one player kept repeatedly sending requests.

Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: OdinVanguard on February 23, 2012, 05:25:37 pm
I like options one and two myself. Particularly option 1. I agree that often pvp games end before I have time to jot down information. So I think this has some real potential.

I also had another idea for an option, going off of option 1. Have the button say best of 3? And give double or nothing rewards.

Best of 3 mode would also be very useful for tournaments if put into the duel mode as well.
It would make it easier to run tournaments where there is no deck swapping between matches.
It would also be cool if at the end a text box would pop up with stats for the best of 3 results. That way we can simply copy paste to the tournament thread.
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: Nash2342 on February 23, 2012, 05:44:39 pm
I like options one and two myself. Particularly option 1. I agree that often pvp games end before I have time to jot down information. So I think this has some real potential.

I also had another idea for an option, going off of option 1. Have the button say best of 3? And give double or nothing rewards.

Best of 3 mode would also be very useful for tournaments if put into the duel mode as well.
It would make it easier to run tournaments where there is no deck swapping between matches.
It would also be cool if at the end a text box would pop up with stats for the best of 3 results. That way we can simply copy paste to the tournament thread.
Good idea the best out of three mode would be a nice addition.
I think that this would also help for players who just want to see if it was just a matter of luck that the other player won or lost.

Also there is one opponent i have played two times that won in one turn i had 100 life he had something like 60 he won by using spark and fractal so i did not even know the match was over until it was to late to ask for a rematch.
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: TheManuz on February 23, 2012, 11:12:21 pm
I'd like to see a feature at the end that enable players to show their deck each other.
A simple "show deck" button.
Very useful for tournaments with hard limitations.
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: furballdn on February 23, 2012, 11:23:16 pm
I'd like to see a feature at the end that enable players to show their deck each other.
A simple "show deck" button.
Very useful for tournaments with hard limitations.
I'd like that idea. Sometimes you're just curious to see what you went up against as well.
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: TheManuz on February 24, 2012, 12:17:23 am
I'd like to see a feature at the end that enable players to show their deck each other.
A simple "show deck" button.
Very useful for tournaments with hard limitations.
I'd like that idea. Sometimes you're just curious to see what you went up against as well.
But obviously the opponent must decide if he want to show the deck or not. In some tournaments, the "show deck" could be mandatory.
Title: Re: Rematch Button For PvP
Post by: AnimationX on February 24, 2012, 02:56:43 am
I'd like to see a feature at the end that enable players to show their deck each other.
A simple "show deck" button.
Very useful for tournaments with hard limitations.
I'd like that idea. Sometimes you're just curious to see what you went up against as well.
But obviously the opponent must decide if he want to show the deck or not. In some tournaments, the "show deck" could be mandatory.
+1. I'm always curious about exactly what deck my opponent is playing after a match.