I do not think this problem is frequent enough (after deckbuilding) to be a concern. Why do you think such a drastic move is needed? (Especially since your mark works as a free pillar.)
It will be less frustrating,
imagine, you build your deck for 15 pillars and 15 other cards, thus the chance for getting pillar is 50%.
You hoping that in the very begining of game you could have at least 3 pillars, but instead of having pillars your hand is full of monster or magic.
That way you cant summon any of them and watching your opponent attacking you freely.
Or maybe otherwise when you get your hand full of pillars instead of monster, this way you cant see the point of having so much quanta while your next draw is still nearly 50% chance of getting pillar. And again you will see your opponent attacking you freely.
Since the different about winning or losing this game is mainly the first hand card, and that is not the card game is should about.
This happen to me a lot
Then i try to change the number between pillars and monster, but that is not helping a much.