I don't know how people cannot understand how changing the elements of nymphs ruins its value. If this idea is implemented, the max number of nymph people needs would be somewhere around 10, even the craziest duo that operates exclusively on nymph abilities would only need that much. So after you get around 10 nymphs, you can make any nymph deck you want. Any more nymphs you get would just be saving money/rare for the metamorphosis. At that point, a nymph is no longer a nymph, it's just a pile of electrum. As someone said a few pages back, nymph is something that Zanz wanted to be equal for everyone. If you can change nymphs elements with a high cost, that would mean new players has less control over their nymphs than veteran players, if that cost is not high however, you will get the problem I stated above, any nymphs beyond 10 becomes insignificant because you can't get it by transforming others into it. Kuross' argument is of course true, nymphs do not imbalance the game, but they are something designed for us to only be able to hope for but cannot work towards (except in tournaments). Here's an anecdote to express my point in a more dynamic manner:
There is a kind of rare butterfly that flies really high and really fast, people can get a glimpse of it at most, if they are lucky. People were bewildered by their beauty and set out to the forest every week in hope of merely getting a look at it. After a while, some people invented a trap that could lure the butterfly over and traps it. In this fashion, many such butterfly is captured. At first people are overjoyed by the sight of them, but in a very short time all become insensitized and lost interest in it.
The people who are supporting this idea right now are like the people who set the traps, they of course desired the butterfly (nymph) and made the move to grasp for it. What they really did is they destroyed beauty. Some beauty should only be seen from a distance and never truly grasped. Nymphs are designed so we can get a taste of it but cannot easily exploit its full potentials so we will keep hoping and keep exploring (which means going to the oracle). I think I made myself understood better now. So, either one change per account or no change at all. Sir Valimont's suggestion is entirely valid. Since the mark change is free, you don't really need to always use the mark that you want your nymph to be. You just need to change it before going to the oracle. Of course, I'm only saying that his suggestion is valid I'm not saying that I agree with it, in my opinion it doesn't matter really. As for Teffy's argument that people would choose the wrong nymph, well that's up to them. If they decided they want something else the next day they will have to hope that oracle would heed to his plead someday. If their desires are all fulfilled easily, they would get bored quite quick. 1 change per account is a great compromise, it satisfies part of our desires but not once and for all. You don't have to agree with me, I know it's hard to get someone to agree to something they don't believe in even if they do see sense in it. This is just my opinion and I hope it's making sense to all of you.