To you people who think that this idea will make nymphs less special:
Only way I can see this happen is if you were lucky enough to get a Purple Nymph, and don't want other people to combine their, say, Death Nymph + Discord to get a Purple Nymph too. But it's not our fault that some nymphs are better than others.
This, it's why this should not be a bad idea at all, and why the only benifit should be that you can get more of the same type so that it's more viable to use them in the deck you want.
If someone says: now everyone will have purple nymphs (for example), then it's the fault of them being an unbalanced nymph.
So shortly, go Nymphosis!
I mean, seriously, saying that this idea makes Nymphs less special just sounds like a last-ditch attempt to make this idea sound bad. It makes me want to puke. Does anyone have a bag?
I'm not sure if you are saying that this
won't make nymphs less special, or that nymphs
should be less special.
Essentially with this system, once you have won 1 nymph you have won them all. So that actually gives you a quantity of "specialness" changed--nymphs will be 12 times less special than they were before.
As far as if nymphs should be less special, that can only be decided by zanzarino, and this is one statement he has made about it before introducing the Oracle:
I had an idea tonight while overdosing on caffeine; Elements needs a way to distribute nymphs maintaining their rarity, and a way to reward players that is not based on grinding.
1 rare + $3000 + $x = grinding.
This would change the Oracle's job from determining what nymphs you get to how many nymphs you are allowed. People who have yet to receive
any nymphs would be just that more behind everyone else.
That said, I'm not sure if there is not
some redeemable aspect to this idea.