A card that draws a new hand would probably be Time and could be balanced although it would be a powerful card.
Version 1
Reshuffle your hand and draw 3|4 cards
Version 2
Reshuffle your hand and draw 4|5 cards
Yeah I saw that, But the point still stand this needs to be in the game anyways just because one guy says "it's to complicated" (and its not) does not mean anything to me to tell the truth if we want it enough he will cave the needs of the many outweigh the few so to speak and we ARE the support the ideas and the breath of this game for the most part zanz happens to be the man to deliver the needs and as long as he's making money from us he should probably keep us happy right?
Yeah, you definitely deserve it considering the monthly fee...
Not to mention that so far I see only 4 'Yes' votes and I can deduce they're all from newbies who really shouldn't demand much without knowing the game's ins and outs
oh really you mean he does not receive any money from kongregate or our donations? and "newbie" or not i would like the game to be much less based on a lucky draw also i think anyones imput is valid if they have played the game for any decent ammount of time..... your statements sound very eliteist and condesending.
To defend XDude's statement:
I have been lurking or a member half as long as XDude has and I have played less than 1% of the time he has. In this time I have accumulated more unspoken knowledge of how the game works than I can write down. This lends to the habit to state facts or heavily supported opinions about the game to newer members without taking the time to track down the 15 buried posts that were the source of that specific knowledge.
This particular topic has been repeated almost as much as the annoying 13th element topic. Final decisions have been reached and most of the community that was present before the last instance either agrees with Zanz or doesn't care. As such those that disagree with Zanz now are those that joined since the last Mulligan discussion. They have not had sufficient time to learn close to any unspoken details of the game and thus should be inquiring not demanding. It is likely that most suggestions a new member has have been discussed before. This possibility for repetition should inspire humility (but not submission) between each generation of members.
If mulligans were added I would want it to be pvp only (so we don't get complaints from score grinder) I don't think the annoyance of an extra pseudo turn is really that bad and if we are really wanting to cut down on desync so much that we can't add 2-4 pseudo turns at the beginning of a game why don't we just ban stall decks because they increase desync. The only downside to mulligans that I can see is that the Random Number goddess would lose some of her worshipers. In effect I'm trying to say that adding an extra element of strategy by allowing mulligans is a good thing. I say only 2 mulligans per player would be best.
Why should there be different rules for PvP and PvE?
Adding manual mulligans to PvP might be reasonable if there is a reason to have that different of rules between PvP and PvE.
Now that I think about it it would be better to have an option in settings to Turn manual mulligan on and off (if off auto mulligan would happen) that would solve the same problems I was trying to address by saying it should be pvp only.
If manual mulligan exists it will cause the problems detailed in my previous post.
However the best for of this bad idea would be an option to turn manual mulligan on or off.
The additional benefit/problems do not seem to be worth it from my point of view and do not seem convincing enough for Zanz to spend time on it instead of another great card.