So, Deflag would essentially cost 2?
I cannot say I am for this, but I cannot say I am against it. It's interesting, but i don't find it necessary.
So you don't really have an opinion but you're afraid of change, thanks for the input. : P
He's not necessarily afraid of change bro, he just doesn't see it as a necessary change.
Anyway, lets see what this would do. Well, it would definitely take longer to play each card in terms of the
first play of that card, but each successive play would not take longer when compared to the original card. That means in order to take effect, SPECIFICALLY early use of the above cards would need to be OP. Is it? Well, it is easy to see how early EQ usage could shut down an opponent. RT is usually more effective vs. buffed cards or high cost cards, so I think that the disadvantage of this change to RT is marginal (i.e. not much change). For deflag, now with late plays, sancs, discord, etc. receives a buff. Actually, discord is indirectly buffed from all of these.
There are two consequences from these changes that are most noteworthy imo. 1) Speedbows are further nerfed. 2) Splash decks (i.e. RT off the mark) are nerfed. Do splash decks need nerfing? imho no. Do speedbows need further nerfing? Actually, perhaps they do. Yet, discord has already required multiple nerfs in the past, and I think this change takes it in the opposite direction. A speedbow nerf means non speedbow decks become more viable, but now disco can have a stronger advantage against those decks due to the increased base cost. Furthermore, while I could see a speedbow nerf, I don't think that splash decks need nerfing.
Thus, I personally do not think that this change needs to be implemented, but I do commend your insight in these card changes.