In Elements, you can just change your deck,
That's the problem, you CAN'T.
1.False gods have so much advantage, only two or three different decks can beat them. So you are limited there. You either play time/entropy rainbow, or fractal-hope(the new deck, until fractal there was only one). All the other ones I know of are even worse than those two, and even playing these two means auto-quitting at least 3-4 (rainbow) or 5-6(fractal) gods because you don't even stand a chance. I don't see any other decks that can win consistently against gods. If we also add "in a reasonable time", because you have to win like 3-4 times before you actually win a card, it only leaves fractal, because rainbows are slow, especially the time mark version which has the better win percentages.
If there are any other decks that can with at least 70-90% of time against at least 75%of the gods, let me know, I don't know of any.
2. Changing decks means you need 30-60 NEW, UPGRADED cards. Which costs an hour of grinding PER CARD. It even makes things worse if you want to change decks, or let's say, experiment with new strategies instead of playing whatever you read is the best on the forum. Rares are not even included in this, but thanks to the rare farms, they are more common than upgraded cards now...they aren't even worthy of the name "rare" anymore, you can win like 10-20 of them in a single day.
3. If you play multiple decks, every time you want to play another one, it costs 100 electrum. Switching to your pvp deck from your false god deck when you are bored and then back a few games later costs 200...with like 20-40 electrum won per game, and the chance to lose the games (real opponents can be better than you), you might actually spend money on playing instead of earning it.
If this wasn't bad enough already, cards in the decks able to win get nerfed, and false gods are getting improved.
Anyway, I like the game, yet whenever I playing, I feel frustrated and ask myself "Why am I not quitting this boring game"...if you want your players to feel like that, go ahead. That's not the way to keep them playing on long term....they'll play more for short term because they are forced to have a chance against any opponent, but sooner or later they'll say "I've had enough" and quit.
Also grinding and PVP aren't mutually exclusive. You can make PVP the best way of grinding by adding better prizes than what you can win from CPU opponents. Beating a real player of equal skills is about 50-50% afterall, while the good false god decks have a higher win percentage than that, so I see nothing wrong with PVP giving you same or better rewards than false gods, as long as it only happens when playing an opponent of similar or higher score than you. Plus it would actually reward the better players more, making them stay playing longer because it would be worth being a better player.
participate in PVP tournaments
As soon as there is a "tournament game" button in the game, I'll use it. Signing up in advance, and reporting results in mail/chat, is not the way how it should be done IMHO.
this isnt a MMO, its a friggin CARD game
Exactly. I could have made a level 99 high priest and probably also a 99 high wizard for RO in the time I've wasted on this so far on any mid rate server, or I could have even made a 90+ character on an 1x rate one, which is more than enough for enjoyable playing. Too bad I'm already sick and tired of RO exactly because of all the time I spent on grinding on various servers. Games should consider that people want to play other games as well, if a single game takes up all your time and you can't play anything else, that's trouble....and of course anyone having a job instead of being a NEET/game addict has a huge disadvantage already. Is that really ok?
Every player vs player experience is different. Focus on making that the center of your game, the grind all but disappears, and the fun only increases.
I completely agree on that. I can see myself playing some PVP matches every day, even if I can get all the cards for free. However with all the grinding and cost to change marks, plus the inferior PVP rewards, I'm actually discouraged to play PVP, even though that would be the main point. If I want to play card games alone, I can just install Yu-gi-Oh Championships 200X whichever is the last one, and play it. The AI is just as stupid, but the game has like over 2000 cards, and you can play hundreds or thousands of good decks and strategies instead of being limited to only 2-3. Oh yeah, and the AI doesn't cheat there by drawing two cards, having double life, and thee marks. Still I'm playing this instead because it has PVP, yet I don't play PVP because it isn't giving enough rewards to compare to any other way of playing.
Maybe I should consider quitting seriously, I don't know.