I've searched this board through the first 5 pages, and find nothing like this. If this is an old topic, please merge with the older thread.
Basically, put a "Spectate" button in the game. When you click it, it brings you to a spectate menu like seen in spectator mode. You can enter 2 player's names to view their battle, or just click on the game to the right to view random game.
No more updating spectator mode separately. It is always up to date.
No more multitabbing. Means less cluttering.
More people know the existence of spectator mode, more people view match, more lesson learned, less fail decks in PvP1.
Game client become heavier.
Games like War deck testing becomes public, though the PvP system can be improved too to accommodate private (no spectate) game.
Potentially less originality, as people could easily see what deck to be copied.