You step into the colliseum, and suddenly feel a surge of power throughout your body. You are in, the League of the Gods. While competing in the league, you gain half-blood strength. You are able to draw 2 cards, and your mark turns 3x as well. The only thing you cant seem to do is hold more than 6 of a card (added for coding trouble reasons). You look past this though, as you go forward to fight Rainbow, Octane, and all the others, in their own league.
10K Score
300 Coins for entry into the league of 3 random battles against the fgs, and each battle you can win 100 coins each.
While fighting the fgs only, you gain all of their powers except for the card limit being removed, and the deck size limit. You only have a 10% chance (maybe should be smaller depending on how easy it would be to beat them under these conditions) to win an upgraded card when you do this though. The real fun is being on more equal playing field against the fgs. May need some tweaking, but its a start at least.
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