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If you were zanz for a day.... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7683.msg85785#msg85785
« on: June 08, 2010, 04:21:21 pm »
...how would you balance the game?

This thread is not about what you want zanz to do, but what you would have him do if he were superman and your mindless slave.  I do not expect any of these changes to be implemented, and you shouldn't either.  This is more of a "wouldn't it be fun if" thread.

Right now, there are several cards in the game that are out of balance with each other, and one (IMO) that's broken.  How would you fix these?  But that's not the only aspect of a balanced game.  Right now, some false gods will kick your ass every time, while other are ridiculously easy.  These need balanced as well.

Personally, I'd start with balancing the cards:
:aethermark Fractal.  The only broken card in the entire game.  One of the fundamental rules of deck building is only six of a card, and this breaks that rule.  There's a reason that rule exists.  I say this card is broken, because by itself without any combos, it is in many cases an "I win" card.  For example.
If you manage to fractal chargers, there is not much your opponent can do.
If you manage to fractal RoL with hope on the field, there isn't anything your opponent can do.  (Don't say mass creature control, fractal guarantees you have at least one more RoL in your hand)
If you manage to fractal devourers, there is not much your opponent can do.  (Except go rainbow)
But my beef with fractal goes beyond that.  Several card ideas have been ruined single handedly by fractals ability to overpower many cards.  You can't make a mass buff because of fractal+spark.  You can't make a mass switch to dark/death because of fractal+spark+nightfall.  So here's how I would nerf fractal.
 :aether :aether :aether :aether :aether :aether :aether Fractal.
Fill your hand with copies of target card.  Lose all quanta of that cards element.
This doesn't fix the fractal+spark duo (which isn't that bad IMO), but it makes fractal less of an "I win" card.
 :aether Phase Shield
It's just annoying.  I would give it a tiny nerf.
 :aether :aether :aether :aether :aether :aether Phase shield.
Creatures cannot harm you for three turns.  If you take damage during these three turns, phase shield is destroyed.
 :airmark Ridiculously underpowered.  I would fix that by introducing a new card:
 :air :air :air :air :air Fling.  Target creature with less than 14 attack has it's attack power doubled.  It dies next time it deals damage.  Overpowered?  Perhaps.  But then again, air really sucks right now, and could use the boost.  Besides, even with the most cost effective card in the game, it's still only 10 damage for 7 quanta.
 :darknessmark Pretty balanced
 :deathmark I'd add this card.
Extinction (Free)
All your creatures die.
That is all.
 :earthmark Earthquake is overpowered.  I'd nerf this by adding more permanent protection.
 :life :life :life Pillar beast.  Target pillar stack becomes a 1|n, where N is the number of pillars in that stack.  It still produces quanta.  If hit with reverse time, it becomes a stack of pillars again.
 :darkness :darkness :darkness :darkness :darkness :darkness Shroud.
Your opponent cannot see what permanents you have in play.  They may not be targeted.  Cumulative upkeep of  :darkness :darkness :darkness
(Works like flooding's mechanic, a weird black bar would show up on top of your permanents)
  :water :water Mirage.  The next time a permanent is targeted, this card is destroyed instead.
 :entropymark Pretty balanced
 :firemark Also really well balanced
 :gravitymark  Black hole is overpowered.  When you play it, have all gravity quanta be used.  Have it destroy two of each element for every 10 gravity quanta you control, and still gain life for that amount of quanta.  This would prevent chaining, while not under-powering the card either.  That is all.
 :lifemark As much as I hate to admit it, Cockatrice is kind of underpowered.  How I'd fix it?
 :life :life :life :life Cocktrice.
4|4.  :life Peck: target creature loses one life.
 :lightmark  Underpowered as an element.  To fix this, make it so that guardian angels can target the player as well.  That is all.
 :timemark Underpowered as an element.  Add this card:
 :time :time :time :time :time Time rift.  Whenever you draw a card, your opponent loses one life.  Cumulative upkeep  :time
Yes it would stack.
 :watermark Arctic squid shouldn't be rare anymore.

Next up are the false gods.
First off, get rid of their double health, as both half and false gods.  Their current buffs make it hard enough for them to die.  Instead, give each god 5 shards of divinity.  Also, I'd buff some of them.
Ferox: Fractal frogs with hope, luciferin, and miracles
Morte: Why is there a death light deck?  At all?  I'd make him a death mono.  Flying arsenic, poisons, plagues, the works.
DreamCather: As my beef with this god is personal, I'll refrain from talking about it.
Miracle: Change it to an earth+light stone skin spam.  Use angels as your main attack power, with hope being abused.
Dark matter: Less overpowered with the black hole nerf.  Please note that nerf does not apply to the nymphs.
Paradox: Turn into a draw spam with time rifts.

Offline dracomageat

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Re: If you were zanz for a day.... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7683.msg85884#msg85884
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2010, 06:48:54 pm »
I'd release holy cow, malignant cell, ash and mutant as standalone cards.


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Re: If you were zanz for a day.... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7683.msg85988#msg85988
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2010, 08:54:03 pm »
I'd release holy cow, malignant cell, ash and mutant as standalone cards.
mutant is a creature with random abilitys and random stats. dont think it will be possible. what would you want with ash? phoenix is cheaper to play and at least does damage.

but i totally agree on malignant cell and the cow!

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Re: If you were zanz for a day.... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7683.msg86045#msg86045
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2010, 10:10:40 pm »
I'd release holy cow, malignant cell, ash and mutant as standalone cards.
mutant is a creature with random abilitys and random stats. dont think it will be possible. what would you want with ash? phoenix is cheaper to play and at least does damage.

but i totally agree on malignant cell and the cow!
Ash actually costs the same to play as its corresponding Phoenix does, both upped and unupped.

Offline dracomageat

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Re: If you were zanz for a day.... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7683.msg87636#msg87636
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2010, 04:19:24 pm »
mutant is a creature with random abilitys and random stats. dont think it will be possible.
Sure it would, just make a creature that auto mutates on entry.

what would you want with ash?
12 phoenixes in a deck?


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Re: If you were zanz for a day.... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7683.msg87988#msg87988
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2010, 10:36:26 pm »
I mentioned this before but make Oty's die after 3-5 turns if they have nothing to eat. It makes really neat creatures like squid and rustlers pretty useless if you get a quinted Oty out.  Personally 5 turns is too long so 3 sounds good.

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Re: If you were zanz for a day.... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7683.msg92093#msg92093
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2010, 04:43:24 am »
Oh, man, I could write a small book in answer to this question, so I won't.  At least until I don't have any more work to do this month. :)
If something happens and you think it deserves my attention, feel free to PM me. Other than that, I'm probably here if you want to shoot the breeze.


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Re: If you were zanz for a day.... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7683.msg92185#msg92185
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2010, 06:49:22 am »
@Glitch you just made fractal even more effective with the new Air card you would reallease... Spark+fractal+this Card?

Offline dracomageat

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Re: If you were zanz for a day.... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7683.msg92629#msg92629
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2010, 07:06:34 pm »
@Glitch you just made fractal even more effective with the new Air card you would reallease... Spark+fractal+this Card?
+3 damage is really that broken?


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Re: If you were zanz for a day.... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7683.msg92630#msg92630
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2010, 07:07:53 pm »
well then ball of lightning = 10 dmg now happy...

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Re: If you were zanz for a day.... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7683.msg93354#msg93354
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2010, 04:12:31 pm »
well then ball of lightning = 10 dmg now happy...
Why does that matter? Only one creature gets the bonus and fractal only copies the base card.


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Re: If you were zanz for a day.... https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7683.msg94385#msg94385
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2010, 06:35:35 pm »
lol i had red all creatures... whatever .. i think he edited it anyways...

