Assuming that the RNG/randomizer zanz uses only randomizes decisions once; we change that randomization to twice. That would slash the chances of getting an unfair, randomized, decision in half. This would subsequently change the game so that it would become less dependent on luck and more dependent on skill, as it should be.
As far as I know RNG, she fetches each time a new timestamp to calculate its random number whenever she is asked to. So there would be no need to calculate each decision twice since it wouldn't increase the randomness.
The fun thing about randomness is, that it doesn't do things on an average basis all the time. When there are 1000 games (just an example) a day and in each one is a haxx shield hit 10 times in a row, how often do you think all those hits miss? Well, ~once and in two games they miss 9 times, in 4 games they miss 8 times and so on. Randomness is so totally not random but lets you rather believe there is someone messing with the numbers just to get on your nerves (
Apart from that, I have one idea how to fix RNG a little for the deck shuffling though I gotta admit I don't really like the idea of cheating on my beloved RNG god.
The idea is, to have halve the copies of your deck once in your firs half and once in your second halve. Any card that can't be paired will be placed randomly.
An example: You have a basic Shrieker rush: 6 Grabs, 6 Shriekers, 18 Pillars. When you start the game, your deck will be shuffled but you know for sure that the first 15 cards will be 3 Grabs, 3 Shriekers and 9 Pillars.
Another example: You have: 15 Quantum Pillars, 5 Mutations, 5 Photons and 5 Elves. With this, you will have in your firs 15 cards for sure this: 7 Pillars, 2 Mutations, 2 Photons, 2 Elves and 2 more cards randomly chosen.
This would defenitely decrease the chance of a bad hand or a insanely good hand... and probably destroy most of the fun in this game