So.. I've seen many topics with noobs asking for change after loosing vs a dim shield chain or a ghostmare. I'm not one of them. I'm one of the guy who played this game the most, and I also participated in a lot of event/ involved myself in this community (see posts/score/trophy). If I'm writing this it's because I have a real problem.
I agree that some cards are OP/annoying, I agree that SoFo and SoSac weren't bad idea but my issue is even bigger than that : THE GAME IS ANNOYING. I don't mean that if you play 1000 games you'll get annoyed, it's very addcitive. But for my part I have almost 30 000 games vs AI and a thousand in pvp duel and I'm annoyed now.
Why ? because the decks that works are always THE SAME. lemme explain : every decks are based on whether an OP/good cards (dim for example), whether 2 OP/good cards (nova+graboid), whether a very good synergy (GotP + nightmare). Then the WHOLE deckbuilding is just to put 6 of thoses cards, add a good quanta balance, a few cards that fit well ad you have ONE OF THE BEST deck in the game. I find that pretty sad. When I see decks like that :
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61v 61v 61v 61v 61v 61v 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 8pu
or that :
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6rk 6rk 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 77h 77h 77h 77h 77h 77h 8ps
Beeing considered as good decks.. And those decks had domintated the pvp/farm few times ago.
What's lacking here is diversity. For me a fun and enjoyable to play deck doesn't have more than 4/5 examplar of one card. Sadly everytime I built deck like that I always lost vs deck with 6 examplar of a good card. Hence my suggestion is to lower the number of examplar allowed. to 4 or 5. don't tell me it'll make things too much random, in mtg we use 4 exemplar in 60 cards.
So you'll think that this rule will kill all the rushy decks ? You're right. In the current state of the game there is no mono deck, or very few at least that can build a good rush deck with 4 exemplar of each cards. So where this idea will lead us ? Whether it'll slow the whole game, with rush deck using some PC/CC/draw, whether we can add more creatures in the game. A Lot of elements won't be hurt by the addition of a good mid/semi-high range attacker (I prefer to keep them weaker than dragon though) to allow pure rush to survive. Don't tell me it's so hard to do the CI&A is full of good creatures ideas. I specially like creature with an ability, and even more when this ability is from an other elements, which will make players play more duos.
Finally I think this is a good idea because all the deck based on 6novas/SN will now be slower, annoying deck will have less annoying cards, and finally it'll totally redesign the metagame.
Then a last note : I'm not against the shards, SoSac was OP but I didn't complained on forum because it was still possible to win (lot of healing, no damage, sundial, antimatter etc..) But SoFo is plenty ridiculous, in the unupped metagame a sofo turn 1 can't be killed or almost, then it's awesomely effective vs all type of deck (yes destroying 3 pillars hurt a lot a rush deck, specially with a BH coming right after). This point is still less important than the rest of this post.
Waiting for thoughts/idea/suggestions/ZANZ/haters.