Definitely needs polish and type ratio adjusted.
Predominantly considered as a suggested type of card that could be put in play as a "resurrection" type for each quantum type.
Quick idea for global card effects per quantum type:
* Light card: Resurrection - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints. Light quantum exhausted.
* Life card: Regeneration - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with 2^x ((2^x) + y improved) hitpoints. All creatures owned destroyed.
(x= # creatures destroyed [0-8/9-15/16+] / [6/7/8])
* Darkness card: Disorientation - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints. 3 round no creature attack.
* Fire card: Pheonix - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with 0.4X (0.6Y improved) hitpoints. All creatures on board returned to a 0/X state of dormancy. Require creature quantum to reactivate.
* Entropy card: Chaos Effect - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints. 5 rounds of Chaos effects commence.
* Death card: Sacrifice - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints. Sacrifice creatures for X(Y) hitpoints. No creatures - then start at 50/100 with 10 points of poison.
* Water card: Poseidons Call - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints. All creatures frozen.
* Gravity card: Black Hole - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints. All owned quantum zeroed. Life gain "Black Hole" related.
* Earth card: Seismic Activity - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints. All pillars destroyed. Life at 20 / 50.
* Air card: Exhaust - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints. All creatures take damage for X(Y) rounds. Gain Z life / round.
* Time card: Revision - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with 0.5X (1.0Y improved) hitpoints. All creatures rewound.
* Aether card: Xerography - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints. X(Y bonus) = opponent hitpoints + # creatures in play. Your creatures now duplicate of opponent's.
Other methodologies purely based on quantum type.
ie: Darkness - each creature takes 1 dmg at end of round, gain 1 life per dmg taken. Card destroyed if no creatures in play. (cost 4)
Light - gain 1 life / light emitting creature in play. (cost 10)
Life - gain 1 life / creature in play (cost 15)