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Global cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7682.msg85769#msg85769
« on: June 08, 2010, 03:51:36 pm »
Definitely needs polish and type ratio adjusted.

Predominantly considered as a suggested type of card that could be put in play as a "resurrection" type for each quantum type.

Quick idea for global card effects per quantum type:
* Light card: Resurrection - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints. Light quantum exhausted.
* Life card: Regeneration - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with 2^x ((2^x) + y improved) hitpoints.  All creatures owned destroyed.
(x= # creatures destroyed [0-8/9-15/16+] / [6/7/8])
* Darkness card: Disorientation - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints. 3 round no creature attack.
* Fire card: Pheonix - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with 0.4X (0.6Y improved) hitpoints.  All creatures on board returned to a 0/X state of dormancy. Require creature quantum to reactivate.
* Entropy card: Chaos Effect - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints.  5 rounds of Chaos effects commence.
* Death card: Sacrifice  - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints.  Sacrifice creatures for X(Y) hitpoints. No creatures - then start at 50/100 with 10 points of poison.
* Water card: Poseidons Call - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints.  All creatures frozen.
* Gravity card: Black Hole - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints.  All owned quantum zeroed. Life gain "Black Hole" related.
* Earth card: Seismic Activity - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints.  All pillars destroyed. Life at 20 / 50.
* Air card: Exhaust - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints.  All creatures take damage for X(Y) rounds. Gain Z life / round.
* Time card: Revision - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with 0.5X (1.0Y improved) hitpoints.  All creatures rewound.
* Aether card: Xerography - If at end of round at 0 hitpoints, return to play with X (Y improved) hitpoints. X(Y bonus) = opponent hitpoints + # creatures in play. Your creatures now duplicate of opponent's.

Other methodologies purely based on quantum type.

ie: Darkness - each creature takes 1 dmg at end of round, gain 1 life per dmg taken. Card destroyed if no creatures in play. (cost 4)
Light - gain 1 life / light emitting creature in play. (cost 10)
Life - gain 1 life / creature in play (cost 15)


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Re: Global cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7682.msg85836#msg85836
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2010, 05:41:06 pm »
i think chaos effect is already acard


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Re: Global cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7682.msg85899#msg85899
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2010, 07:13:29 pm »
i think chaos effect is already acard
you're getting mixed up with Chaos Seed / Chaos Power


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Re: Global cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7682.msg85980#msg85980
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2010, 08:41:38 pm »
yep i ws  :))


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Re: Global cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7682.msg86031#msg86031
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2010, 09:50:02 pm »
But how do people feel about extending global effects cards?

At present we have Flood - a card that sits there, gen's 3 water Q and kills 2 rows of creatures.

My first theory was one for each type that leads to living through a death, and each way based on the colour type.

The second (short) batch were alternatives for colour based gain permanents that could be played pending mark type.

The usual rules would have to be considered.
Fire, Earth and Gravity are good at killing permanents.
Darkness is draining - takes perm's, life and quantum.
Death decomposes.
Air targets.
Green and Light bloats/heals.
Water and Time controls.
Aether duplicates/denies.
Entropy randoms else works like death or darkness - gains life instead of loss.

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Re: Global cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7682.msg86089#msg86089
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2010, 10:56:50 pm »

Quote from: kalkiran
i think chaos effect is already a card

And you did not see Phoenix and Black Hole ? And cards like Seismic Activity ,Sacrifice and Poseidon Call which have almost the same name as Earthquake, Immolation and Poseidon ?

Do I understand that right, that the creatures resurrect, and not the player? Player resurrection is useless, players can heal themselves e.g. with Shard of Divinity or Miracle.

Global effect cards could come, we´ll have at least 4 of them with the next update (Nightfall, Unstable Gas, Flood, Pandemonium )
I`m teffy, here - and Ringat on Kongregate


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Re: Global cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7682.msg86810#msg86810
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2010, 08:54:15 pm »
The simple concept for that sequence is an "Out of turn" heal/lifesaver.

It's a permanent, like Flood or Unstable Gas, which if triggered would lead to an impact which would make wanting more than 1 or 2 unlikely for any deck.

The names I used were nothing but a quick sample idea, that were intended to be related to the Mark type, and if possible related to an aspect of renewal.

Phoenix was meant to be something like "Phoenix Rebirth", or "From the Ashes".

Concepts aren't blocks of concrete.
This was meant to be nothing but a presentation of a different type of game card that could be put in play offering a means to build decks differently.

