1. Make Elements a "TCG" (Trading Card Game)
2. Eliminate the Spins to win in all PVP (maybe increase EC to compensate)
3. Opposite of 2: Add a Spin to PvP DUEL ... then there IS no farm flood because they have 100% hook up between farm and farmer
4. Improve the queuing interface so that you can't enter a game that's been abandoned by the opponent
5. Better recognition of opponent idleness so we don't have to wait 70 seconds for AI to take over
6. Any player backing out of the queue when an opponent (read: non-farm) appears gets a 70+ seconds 'ban' from entering pvp
Hmmm.. Here's my six cents:
Option #1: Pros- would be great for new players (and some veteran players) to trade cards to get what they need/ want. Cons- New players would be flooding the chat rooms asking other players for rare cards (Eww..), and people in general would be able to get rares so much easier.
Option #2: Pros- Well, this would definitely put a stop to pvp farming. Cons- Less rewarding/ fun. Kinda takes away from the experience because spinning for cards, especially that one card you can never seem to obtain, is fun.
Option #3: Pros- Eliminates server lag. Would actually help *reduce* farming, because the people running the farms would have to
want to let person X farm them, and it would require them to spend more time/ effort typing in each persons' name, etc. Cons- Still enables farming.
Option #4: Kinda irrelevant, farm host could just enter the game then leave. That only adds like 1~2 seconds to setting up the match.
Option #5: Pros- Uhm. It would just be
awesome, kthxbai.
Option #6: Pros- Frustrates farm hosts/ limits the amount if farms they host. Cons- Would be annoying if you mis-click. However, this dilemma for farm hosts is easily solved if the farm host just enters the game then leaves.
Personally, I don't really mind farms, because I don't run into them very often. However, I'm not blind; I do see them raging on @Kong for hours at times. I just usually visit the arena during those times. ^_^