Apart from the name changes I completely disagree with your changes, they're a bit too radical and make the cards either OP or UP.
-Phase shield would need a HUGE quanta drop if it was changed to that
-Immortal (which I use as well as dragons because two of them cost less for same damage) need less damage if they're going to gain +1/+1 for every immaterial.
-Mindgate's energy is fine at the moment but I do think the upped version should have it's cost increased to the same as the unupped and just have it's cost lowered to 1 quanta as you suggested there.
-Nymph... just no. If it's going to be immaterial on draw it needs a HUGE nerf to everything else. As you have it, the upped version has the same damage as a phase dragon (unupped) for 5 less quanta AND a quintessence skill.