Personal opinion:
Quanta Cap raised to 100.
Acceptable, mixed results. Strengthens Firestall (although it's still strong) but enhances Ice Bolt and Drain Life, as well as Fractal Dragons. Seems a lot like a limitless quanta cap. Overall a good idea.
All non-activated Artifacts now stack, for example cards like Boneyard and Empathic Bond. Deflagration and Steal each destroy and steal one card from the stack, respectively. Protect Artifact may only protect one copy in the stack maximum.
Enchant Artifact protecting only one copy in the stack is somewhat strange and hardly code-friendly. Why not keep them distinct? Also, what about shields or weapons? Bonewall in particular.
"Aquatic " is a new passive ability for underwater creatures including most Water creatures and cards like Horned Frog.
Flooding: Only aquatic creatures can harm you, deals 1 damage to non aquatic/flying creatures. Lasts 2 turns.[/li][/list]
Makes Flooding a good card, but is not necessarily needed. Flooding at 5 creature spaces might be viable. I'd wait a bit before making such a change (not kidding, a single Octopus leaves only 1 attacking creature to the opponent, and that can be outhealed even by Purifies.
Flying creatures that lose the "Airbourne" abilty take double damage from direct damage effects.
Not a good change: both Air and Aether have great CC cards, and Bonewall stall increases in power with this due to Flesh Recluse. Web is situational, but the Recluses are not, and Wings is already a great card to combo them with. Not needed and probably damaging.
All Dragons gain the passive ability "Dragonbourne". Dragonbourne gives a stat increase of +1/+1 for each ten quanta of that creatures Element.
I dislike this change. Dragons are mostly balanced cards and are actually very useful in a lot of competitive decks. They do not need a buff. Also, Fahrenheit is bad enough as it is, even without having one for every element. Increased resistance is also bad for dragons like Ruby, which can easily come out at 6+ health late game, negating most CC cards and hitting extremely hard. Also, TU Dragons is a strong stallbreaker even without Dragons having like 15 attack and a lot of hp each. The Web change is only a partial counter to this, as it requires an otherwise useless card in a dragon matchup to be used as a counter, thus increasing Web's value, but not decreasing Dragon's own value by much if at all.
Marks are treated as pillars, no longer limited to 6 per deck.
Abomination: Takes 1 less damage from direct damage sources. [/li][/list]
Not really what I'd think about when figuring an Abomination. It needs a slight buff, but maybe something more along the lines of mutation? Perhaps always turns into a mutant when targeted with Mutation effects? Also a buff to unupped Mutation decks which are weak anyway.
Antimatter: Four turn duration. Cost changed to
X, where X is the cost of the target creature. [/li][/list]
Likely not to be coded, and unneeded. Antimatter is a very strong but not broken card. This cripples it way too much. If you want to nerf Antimatter (which I don't think is needed anyway in the current meta) you should increase its cost to 10/8. But that would probably be too much too. I wouldn't nerf it at all.
Butterfly Effect: Cost reduced to 4
[/li]Discord: Cost increased to 4
, damage increased to 5.[/li][/list]
Nice and balanced changes.
Maxwell's Demon: Paradox cost increased to
[/li]Pandemonium: Cost increased to 5
I find these largely unneeded. Maxwell is a good check to many offensive threats, but that is something that is needed in a fast-paced metagame like this. Also, it is still trumped by instant CC like Lightning. A nerf is not needed and I'd dislike it.
Pandemonium is very strong, but 5

is too much to even play it. Also, what I said above: it's a good card agaisnt the rushes that define this meta. I would agree to a cost increase to 4, but not more.
Nova: Cost increased to 1
, generate 12 quanta randomly.[/li][/list]
Understandable change. Has a very broad effect. I'm torn as to what it would determinate, though. The rainbow deck archetype would be far from gone. It will probably force more mark-dependancy and more quanta producers in a rainbow deck. This is ultimately good.
Alfatoxin: Cost reduced to 6
[/li]Skeleton: Stats increased to 2/2.
[/li]Virus: Cost reduced to zero. Stats changed to 0/1.[/li][/list]
Understandable changes.
Bone Wall: Now gains only 1 shield charge when a creature is killed.
[/li]Poison: Cost increased to 2
, inflicts 2 poison damage to a player or 1 poison damage to a creature.[/li][/list]
Again punishing the reliable rush-stoppers. Bone Wall would be a lot less useful that way and Poison is a staple of card balance (it's one of those cards that define what balance is, rather than merely being balanced). I dislike both changes.
Black Hole: Reduced to absorb 2 quanta per element.[/li][/list]
An unneeded and probably dangerous rainbow buff. The Nova nerf is probably not enough to stop rainbows from running rampart in the meta. Killing their only counter card is not a good move.
Catapult: May now sacrifice your own creatures to deal damage to creatures or players.[/li][/list]
Unneeded. Catapult is pretty well balanced now and can create intresting and strong decks.
Otyugh: Stats increased to 0/4. Devour cost increased to
Probably for the best.
Basilisk Blood: Cost increased to 3
Not needed and not really useful. The only thing this does is reducing the impact on Shak'ar in the metagame (which is... not that awesome against human players). This hardly kills this card's CC usage and is only detrimental in situations where it would be splashed or used for the hp gain. Not a useful change.
Earthquake: Now always leaves one pillar or pendulum in the stack.[/li][/list]
Understandable change. Earthquake is terribly strong in certain metagames while being next to useless in others.
Plate Armor: Now grants +0/+4.[/li][/list]
Not enough to make it really viable. As seen in its buff thread, I'm favoring the +1 attack option.
Shrieker: Cost reduced to 6
. Stats reduced to 6/3.[/li][/list]
Very good change. I'm fully supporting this. It makes Graboid nicely balanced without changing Graboid at all. I like.
Titanium Shield: Damage reduction increased to 3.[/li][/list]
Probably broken. Diamond is a killer shield against many decks, cutting down unupped elements' damage output by a good chunk. Protected Diamond + healing is something not many decks can overcome.
Graviton Mercenary: Each time Graviton Mercenary is delayed it gains +2/+2
[/li]Hermatite Golem: Cost increased to 5
. Each time you use a burrow ability, Hermatite Golem gains +1/+1.
[/li]Blue Crawler:
remove 1 poison damage from a creature or player.
[/li]Cockatrice: Gains +0/+1 each time it is poisoned.
[/li]Horned Frog: Gains Momentum when underwater (Flooding).[/li][/list]
Rather strange and not really flavorful change for Mercenary and Crawler. However, these cards need a buff.
Hematite Golem is definitely usable and Steel Golem is very strong. A slight buff, perhaps 7-9 hp for the unupped, would be appreciable.
Cockatrice is a fine creature, and so is Frog.
Emerald Shield: Cost reduced to 4
[/li]Heal: Heal yourself for 20 HP's. Heal yourself for 30 HP's if you have 10 HP or less.
[/li]Mitosis: Cost reduced to 4
[/li]Thorn Carapace: Cost reduced to 6
Solid changes.
Ash: Stats reduced to 0/1.
[/li]Immolation: Cost increased to
. Sacrifice a creature to generate a maxium of 8
quanta and 12 quanta randomly. [/li][/list]
They were nerfed enough as is. I've seen a lot more phoenixes actually die after the hp reduction, and I believe 5 hp to be fine. 4 if need arises, but 1 is definitely too harsh. The random quanta mirror the Nova nerf, but sacrificing a creature is enough of a cost (card disadvantage, unreliability) for the advantages. I'd rather have it produce 6

and 11 non-:fire random quanta.
Fire Spirit: Stats increased to 2/2.
[/li]Ash Eater: Each turn
is generated.[/li][/list]
Some more good ideas.
Fahrenheit: Cost increased to 4
. Damage increased to 6. Deals 1 additional damage per 10 Fire quanta.
[/li]Fire Bolt: Cost
X, where X is the additional damage done. Deals 3 damage to a creature or player, plus 3 more for every 10 fire quanta.
[/li]Rage Potion: The target creature gains +4/-4.[/li][/list]
Fahrenheit damage is understandable and welcome. Rage Potion nerf really hurts Firestall and is probably for the best. Fire Bolt's change is unneeded (not that game-changing) and likely difficult to code.
Arctic Squid: Freeze cost increased to
I'd leave Squid alone. It's a nice card, and like Maxwell, a needed rushstopper.
Ice Bolt: Will always freeze the weapon when targeting a player.[/li][/list]
Troublesome change. Likely to produce positive effects, though.
Nymph Queen: Additionally, all other Nymphs gain +2/+2.[/li][/list]
Strange but nice change. I like.
Purify: May now target creatures or players.[/li][/list]
Understandable change.
Trident: May target pillar stacks or artifact stacks. Always leaves 1 pillar or artifact in the stack.[/li][/list]
Probably broken. Needs more thought.
Blessing: Cost reduced to 2
[/li]Holy Light: Restores up to 20 lost HP's to target creature, removes all negative effects from Light Creatures.
[/li]Luciferin: No longer heals for 10 HP's. Heal 1 HP for each creature that already has "bioluminescence".
[/li]Pegasus: Stats increased to 3/3.
[/li]Photon: Heal 1 HP if Photon gains the skill "bioluminescence".
[/li]Sanctuary: Healing decreased to 3 HP per turn.[/li][/list]
Mostly nice ideas. The only important one is the Sanctuary one, and the Photon change might be overcomplicated. Sanctuary change is understandable, but would warrant a cost decrease to 3|2 at least. Also helps against Discord.
Wyrm: Stats increased to 3/4. Dive cost reduced to
I'd prefer 4 attack,

Dive, but a buff is needed and this is the right direction.
Fog Shield: Cost increased to 3
Thunderstorm: Cost reduced to
. Temporarily removes "Airbourne" from enemy creatures for two turns.[/li][/list]
Combos with a previously disliked effect, but even without that it is an understandable and needed buff. In-element Web is a bit strong, but it has a time limit, so it's a bit like sundial chaining... with some drawbacks. Mainly the two card combo and the chance of playing new creatures. A good idea.
Anubis: Cost reduced to 7
[/li]Devonian Dragon: Stats changed to 11/4.
[/li]Dune Scorpion: Stats increased to 0/3.
[/li]Fate Egg: Cost reduced to 1
[/li]Scarab: Stats increased to 3/N.[/li][/list]
Understandable, solid changes.
Reverse Time: Cost changed to
X, where X is the cost of the target creature.[/li][/list]
Dangerous change and difficult to code. I believe Reverse Time is fine and balanced as it is.
Drain Life: Cost reduced to 2
[/li]Nightfall: Playing additional Nightfalls grants one turn of the Cloak effect.
[/li]Parasite: Stats increased to 1/3.[/li][/list]
Good changes.
Vampire Stiletto: Cost increased to 2
[/li]Minor Vampire: Stats increased to 3/2.[/li][/list]
I don't believe Stiletto warrants the cost increase and Devtal certainly doesn't need such a strong buff.
Dimensional Shield: Cost increased to 7
Understandable but debatable change. I don't like this, but I can see it as fair under certain conditions.
Immortal: Gains +1/+0 for each other Immortal you control.
[/li]Spark: Stats increased to 4/0.
[/li]Turquoise Nymph: Immortal.[/li][/list]
Good changes.
Quintessence: Upon gaining Immortality, previous skills are now removed.[/li][/list]
Bad idea. Quintessence is a good and balanced card. It is not a needed change and it shrinks the metagame.
Chimera: Has the casting cost of all absorbed creatures for targeting purposes.[/li][/list]
Not needed if the disliked changes aren't made. Also rather difficult to code.