I dont see a point in arguing about semantics. And I also dont see a point to a discard/graveyard/whatever you want to call it. The point is its not going to happen. You dont like that Zanz said so, leave, dont play the game. Its not hard. You arent forced to play it, nor are you forced to pay to play or even get an advantage in it.
On the concept of dwarves or elves, as far as I know, zanz hasnt ruled out this possibility, the only thing he rules out is them being in the game just to be in the game. i seem to remember him saying that he would only implement them if there was a real good reason to.
Now as to the suggestion, give me a good reason to implement this. Zanz doesnt have one not JUST because every other card game does. he has the fore site to know that you can implement just about everything a graveyard does without actually having one. The phoenix was a prime example of this, and so far, all I have seen in this thread is people saying we should or shouldnt have one because someone else said so. Despite Zanz being the maker, it doesnt mean the idea isnt good, all it means is that it wont happen. It can still be discussed, as Zanz can and has changed his mind before.