Hello everybody.
I don't know if this is the proper area to post this thoughts: either this or general discussion, but it's nearly equivalent considering the topic.
I wanted your impression about a definite lack of synergies between elements.
All this starts because of the complete boredom of facing ALWAYS the same kind of deck AND the aberrant disparities between different sinergies of elements.
I mean: try building a good darkness/earth deck to farm regularly gold or platinum. "Ooops", isn't it?
Semantically Earth is supposed to host Darkness quite nicely, just like and yet... the best possible sinergy barely wins some Silver Arena (if you found a better farming deck... let me know!)
also, why only fire and earth works wonders?
Why Gravity should fit THAT good with Water?
What I would like to know is if would it be the case to implement some more opportunities to have different elements sinergize netter, and with better I mean in a way that actually works, so that more decks could perform better and I can stop playing the same rainbow or swallow (or any damn shard based) deck to have any small opportunity to grind gold and plat.
I would like to see more variety, of course, but also a more thematically coherent sinergy system.
Earth and Time should work, ok, but not as well as they are now maybe!
Maybe Earth and Life, or Water and Life are more closely related by a semantic point of view..
I know this sound only like a meaningless rant (yes, I'm writing down more issues in the same thread), but I hope somebody out there could understand my point
thanks for following me (and not telling me I'm a madman
